Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[E/C] = Eye Color

[H/C] = Hair Color

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

(For the genderbend name, Naruto will be changed to Naruko.)

Now let the story begin.

On a calm afternoon in Konohagakure, also known as the Hidden Leaf Village, a little girl with yellow hair is sitting all by herself with a sad expression on her face.

I don't understand why everyone treats me this way. They all look at me and talk about me like I'm some kind of monster. Did I do something to make everyone in the village hate me?

The young girl is so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't hear someone walking up to her.

??? : Hello. Why are you out here all alone?

Turning around to face the source of the voice, she is meet by the sight of a little boy around her age with [E/C] eyes and [H/C] hair.

Girl : I'm always alone. Nobody wants to be my friend.

Boy : Well, I could be your friend.

He says with a small smile before sitting down next to her.

Girl : Really?

She asks with hope in her eyes as he nods.

[Y/N] : Sure! I believe everyone deserves to have a friend! Oh, I'm [Y/N] by the way.

Naruko : Nice to meet ya [Y/N]! My name's Naruko. Are you sure you want to be my friend? What if everybody starts hating you too?

[Y/N] : Eh, who cares? I don't know why the villagers are cold to you, but I think it's wrong! If they're gonna hate me for being your friend, then fine!

H-he actually wants to be my friend, I can't believe it!

Touched by his words, Naruko suddenly hugs her newfound friend.

Naruko : T-thank you [Y/N].

He smiles and hugs her back.

[Y/N] : No need to thank me Naruko. Like I said before, everyone should have a friend.

Breaking from the hug, Naruko and [Y/N] proceed to spend the entire afternoon talking about various things, the yellow haired girl never dropping the wide grin on her face even once.

I finally have a friend! This is the best day ever!


Years have passed by since that fateful afternoon, and [Y/N] has remained as Naruto's best friend ever since.

No matter how many times his peers told him to stop being friends with her, [Y/N] payed them no mind, much to Naruko's appreciation.

Whenever someone would say something negative about his friend, [Y/N] would waste no time in defending her.

Now the two are training to become ninjas, with Naruko's dream to eventually become the village Hokage.

Currently, Naruko is practicing her transformation jutsu in front of her class and the Third Hokage (who is a woman in this chapter for reasons you'll see in a moment.)

Ok Naruko, I know you can do this!

[Y/N] thinks to himself while watching his friend face her class with a mischievous expression.

Naruko : Alright, here goes nothing!

She closes her eyes and smiles before transforming into an incredibly handsome male version of herself.

Naruto : So, what do you all think of my sexy jutsu?

"He" asks in a deep sultry voice as [Y/N] shakes his head in amusement while the Third Hokage gets a nosebleed alongside a few female classmates.

Third Hokage : S-so handsome.

She then faints as Naruko's teacher Iruka gets angry and yells at her.

Iruka : Stop goofing around and take this seriously!

She changes back to normal and laughs.

Naruko : Ok ok jeez, lighten up Sensei.

Taking in a deep breath, she concentrates and turns into a perfect lookalike of [Y/N], shocking the entire class before transforming back to herself.

Ino : No way...

Sakura : S-she actually did it!

Iruka : I'm impressed Naruko. You pulled it off! How'd you manage that?

Naruko : [Y/N] spent all day yesterday helping me get the technique down.

She turns to look at her [H/C] haired friend, who causes her blush via his proud smile.

You see, Naruko has developed feelings for [Y/N] over the years, but hasn't said anything out of fear that she'll ruin their friendship.

After classes finish for the day, [Y/N] and Naruko head to their usual hangout spot.

[Y/N] said he wants to talk about something, I wonder what it is?

Sitting down next to each other in the shade, [Y/N] turns to Naruko with a look of nervousness in his bright [E/C] eyes.

Just tell her how you feel, nothing bad will happen.

[Y/N] : Naruko, I just wanna say no matter what happens I will always be your best friend.

Naruko : Ok, you're starting to freak me out [Y/N]. What's going on?

[Y/N] : I want you to know that I....really like you Naruko. Do you know what I mean by that?

Her face reddens with a blush as she nods.

Naruko : Y-yeah I do. I feel the same way [Y/N].

Now it's his turn to blush.

[Y/N] : You do?

Naruko : Uh-huh. You've always been there for me since we became friends, and I guess I started seeing you as more than my best friend at some point. I don't ever want there to be a moment you're not by my side, I love you a lot [Y/N].

He takes her hands into his and looks at her sweetly.

[Y/N] : I'll never leave you Naruko, I love you too.

She pulls him into a kiss that lasts several moments before they separate.

Naruko : With you [Y/N], I know my dream to become Hokage will come true one day!

[Y/N] : You'll be an amazing Hokage someday Naruko.

She kisses him again before resting her head on his shoulder, both having content smiles on their faces as they hold each other close.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now