Yuri (Yu-Gi-Oh)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[FF/A] = Favorite Fusion Archetype

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

(Yuri is a gender neutral name, so I'll be sticking with it for this chapter.)

Now let the story begin.

In the desolate streets of the Xyz Dimension's Heartland City, a Fusion duelist named [Y/N] smiles sinisterly as he wins a duel against a member of the Resistance.

Xyz Duelist : I....I lost. Those [FF/A] cards of yours were too powerful to beat.

He falls to his knees as [Y/N] slowly approaches him.

[Y/N] : You got that right. Now, I believe you know what happens next correct?

Xyz Duelist : Y-yes, just get it over with.

Pointing his duel disk at the defeated Xyz resistance member, [Y/N] proceeds to turn him into a card.

Another one bites the dust. Seriously, taking down Xyz users has almost become a chore rather than a fun challenge. Luckily, carding them when they lose will always bring me amusement.

He thinks to himself before hearing someone run up to him.

??? : What did you do to my brother you creep?!

[Y/N] turns around and is met by an angry face of a guy who looks like an older version of the kid he just carded.

Hmm. Must be the older sibling of the newest addition to my card collection.

[Y/N] : Sorry my friend, your brother's been carded. Don't worry though, I'll spare you from the anguish of living on in this world without him.

Just like before, he uses his duel disk to transform his previous victim's older brother into a card.

Now I have a matching pair. I wonder if there's a third sibling so I can have a complete set?

He laughs and begins walking away, only for his girlfriend Yuri to approach him while clapping.

Yuri : I must say, the way you dealt with those two was quite amusing [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Glad I could entertain you babe, but I had no idea you were here.

Yuri : I arrived shortly after you began your duel. Honestly, the fact that these Xyz duelist think they can stand up to us is just precious.

She says and pulls her boyfriend into a brief kiss before pulling away.

Yuri : That said, the Professor has new orders for you and I.

New orders? Sounds serious.

[Y/N] : I'm listening.

Yuri : We've been tasked to go to the Standard Dimension and bring Celina back to Duel Academy.

Ugh....Celina. That girl is such an annoying hotheaded brat. Why the Professor has so much interest in her is quite frankly beyond me, but I'm not one to go against his orders, so I guess my time here is over.

[Y/N] : To Standard it is then. Something tells me Celina won't come easily though.

Yuri : Perhaps, but she'll return to the Fusion Dimension with us whether she wants to or not, even if we have to card her to do so.

[Y/N] : Oh how I love it when you show off your sadistic side.

He says while looking at Yuri with adoration in his eyes, causing her to chuckle.

Yuri : I know you do my love, it's why we make such a perfect couple. You can be just as sadistic as myself when you want to be. Why, I bet you're envisioning carding numerous Standard Dimension duelists as we speak.

Heh, she knows me so well.

The [FF/A] duelist smiles and wraps an arm around his girlfriend.

[Y/N] : What can I say? Everyone needs a hobby.

Yuri : Just remember to stay focused babe. Our mission first and foremost is to find and retrieve Celina.

[Y/N] : Yeah yeah, but who's to say I can't have a little fun along the way?

All those Standard Dimension duelists will make a fine addition to my collection.

Yuri : That reminds me, the Professor wanted me to tell you not to go overboard with the carding feature on your duel disk.

[Y/N] : WHAT?! Where is this coming from?! Not once have I ever gone overboard using it!

He exclaims defensively as Yuri deadpans.

Yuri : Darling, I love you, but come on.

[Y/N] : It's the truth! I'm very responsible with using the carding function!

Yuri : Must I remind you that you've had your duel disk repaired twice now because you overused the carding feature so much that it malfunctioned, which leading to you carding yourself that one time?

.....crap, Yuri's never gonna let me live that down is she? Man, did I get an earful from the Professor after I was restored to normal.

[Y/N] : Ok, you've made your point. I'll be more conservative with using it ok?

He pouts as Yuri shakes her head in amusement.

Yuri : Aww, no need to be so upset babe. You can still card people, just do it in moderation.

[Y/N] : Fiiine, I suppose that's doable. Now, let's not waste anymore time and head to the Standard Dimension.

Yuri : Agreed. The Professor made it clear that he won't tolerate any dilly-dallying and wants Celina back ASAP.

[Y/N] : Seriously, what is it about her that he takes interest in? Celina's a fairly good duelist, I'll give her that much, but besides that I don't understand at all. I mean no disrespect to the Professor of course, but that girl's nothing but trouble if you ask me.

Yuri : I feel the same way babe, but the Professor obviously has plans for her and the girl, but I guess that's not for us to know.

[Y/N] : Fair enough, ready to depart hun?

Yuri : Yes. I love you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I love you too Yuri.

The two Fusion duelists share another short kiss before leaving for the Standard Dimension in order to carry out their new assignment together.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now