Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[U/T] = Ultimate Talent

: = Dialogue

Non-killing game AU.

(For the genderbend name, Gundham will be changed to Gunplah. See what I did there?)

Now let the story begin.

Hanging out with his friends after class, a student of Hope's Peak Academy and holder of the title [U/T] named [Y/N] [L/N] blushes slightly when his crush comes walking up to him.

Gunplah : If you may spare me a moment of your time [Y/N], there is something I would like to discuss with you privately.

The Ultimate Breeder (animal breeder, you sickos) says to him with a stoic expression.

[Y/N] : S-sure thing Gunplah.

He tells the black and gray haired girl with a look of surprise, as she's not usually one to interact with her fellow classmates.

Gunplah : Then I shall be waiting in my dorm for your arrival. Do not keep me waiting long, or I may subject you to my dark powers.

With that, she walks away.

Akane : That girl's definitely got a few screws loose if ya know what I mean.

Mahiru : Come on Akane, that's not a very nice thing to say. Gunplah just has a very.....interesting personality.

Akane : Phrase it however you like Mahiru, but she's straight up weird. I wonder what she wants with you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Well, I better go find out.

Akane : Have fun with your creepy crush dude, hope she doesn't feed you to her hamsters or anything like that.

The [U/T] shakes his head at that before heading to Gunplah's dorm.

Upon getting there, Gunplah's hamsters she refers to as her Dark Devas of Destruction run up his leg and begins nuzzling him affectionately.

[Y/N] : Hehe, s-stop that guys! I-it tickles!

He laughs as Gunplah approaches him with a small smile on her face.

Gunplah : Amazing. You are the only mortal that my Dark Devas hold any affection for. There is something truly special about you [Y/N]. Do you perhaps dabble in the dark arts as well?

[Y/N] : N-not that I know of Gunplah. I just really love animals is all.

Gunplah : I see. Now, do you know why I asked to speak to you [Y/N]?

He shakes his head in response.

[Y/N] : It's nothing bad is it?

Gunplah : That depends on the outcome of what I have to say. Please take a seat.

[Y/N] does so as the Dark Devas leave him and climb onto Gunplah.

Gunplah : Getting straight to the point, I have grown quite fond of you [Y/N]. You are not like the other foolish mortals who make up our class.

The [U/T] blushes from hearing this, despite how bizarre her words may be.

[Y/N] : T-thank you Gunplah. I like you a lot too.

He then blinks several times to check if his eyes are working properly because it seems that Gunplah has a faint blush on her face from his response.

Gunplah : Is that so? Well, I am quite pleased to hear that [Y/N], because that makes what I am going to say next come as less of a surprise. I wish to enter a romantic relationship with you.

[Y/N] : H-huh?!

His blush deepens as he looks at Gunplah with wide eyes.

Gunplah : You heard me [Y/N]. My desire is to have you rule by my side over the darkness. Are you accepting of this?

[Y/N] : S-sorry Gunplah, I honestly never thought you'd have feelings for me.

Gunplah : Your astonishment is not without warrant [Y/N]. I too was taken aback when I realized how I felt about you. It's no secret that I have disdain for the pathetic human beings that inhabit our world, but for you....I hold no such contempt. Why I feel this way is beyond my knowledge, but I will not deny what my icy heart is telling me. I.....l-love you [Y/N].

She finishes telling him as her blush becomes more apparent while waiting for a response.

[Y/N] : Gunplah....I've had a crush on you since school began, but I never acted on it because I seriously didn't think you'd feel the same way. I love you too, and I'd be happy to be your boyfriend.

He smiles at her as she smiles.

Gunplah : Oh glorious day! The Supreme Queen of Ice has found someone worthy of ruling this wretched world by her side! [Y/N] [L/N], you and I shall plunge the mortal realm into darkness!

She exclaims and laughs as her boyfriend deadpans at her cartoonish villainy.

Gunplah : Ah, but I am getting ahead of myself! First we must formalize our relationship with a kiss.

Moving closer to him, Gunplah clears her throat before speaking up.

Gunplah : I must apologize [Y/N], due to never being in a relationship before, I have no experience with intimacy.

[Y/N] : That's ok, we'll take things slow.

Leaning in, [Y/N] kisses his girlfriend softly before pulling away.

[Y/N] : How was that?

Gunplah : My feels so warm. What kind of magic is at work here?

[Y/N] : The strongest magic of all. Love.

(I know that sounds incredibly corny, but it's sweet!)

Gunplah : So I was right earlier when I assumed you were a practitioner of the arts?!

He chuckle and shakes his head in amusement.

[Y/N] : God, I love you so much Gunplah.

Gunplah : And I love you too my handsome king of the dark. Now, it is time for us to partake in the act....of cuddling!

She declares before wrapping her arms around [Y/N] and embracing him as the two lay down on the bed, the four Dark Devas quickly joining in.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now