Hercules (Hercules)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

: = Dialogue

(For the genderbend name, Hercules will be changed to Herculena.)

Now let the story begin.

[Y/N] : L-let me go you....gigantic oaf!

The young man exclaims in frustration as he tries getting out of the tight grasp of a hideous cyclops that has been terrorizing a nearly Greek village.

Cyclops : Hehehe...not a chance. You're about to become my dinner puny man! Just like all those delicious villagers I've feasted on!

Squeezing his hand even tighter, the one eyed monster laughs as [Y/N] cries out in pain while futilely kicking and punching in the hopes of escape.

[Y/N] : Laugh while you still can you monocular freak! When my girlfriend gets here, you're gonna regret putting me on the menu!

Cyclops : Bah! As if some human girl could pose a threat to me! If she comes here, I'll just eat her too!

[Y/N] : I doubt that. She beat your ugly rear end so fast you won't even get the chance to blink that grotesque eye of yours!

He confidently states as the monster grunts in anger and brings him extremely close to his face.

Cyclops : Oh really?! And who exactly is this little girlfriend of yours?!

[Y/N] : No one special, just the daughter of Zeus himself.

He says with a smirk as the Cyclops panics.

Cyclops : Z-Zeus?! Are you telling me that you're in a relationship with the daughter of Olympus' top god?!

[Y/N] : Yep! Bet you feel stupid for trying to eat me now huh?

The monster throws [Y/N] to the ground and backs away.

Cyclops : G-get out of here! I promise not to feed on anymore villagers, j-just don't tell Zeus's daughter about this!

He tells the human in fear while putting a hand behind his back with his fingers crossed, which [Y/N] notices.

[Y/N] : I get the feeling that you're lying to me.

Cyclops : I'm not! I swear! Now g-go away!

[Y/N] : Sorry pal, but you're going to pay for all the innocent people you've devoured.

The cyclops tries to make a run for it only to run into the very person he's afraid of, that being Herculena, [Y/N]'s girlfriend and Zeus' daughter, who arrived on the back of her winged horse friend Pegasus.

Herculena : So you're that punk I heard about?

She slams her fists together as the monster gasps in fear and distances himself from her,

Cyclops : D-don't hurt me! I know I've been bad, but I can change! If you let me live, I'll go vegan!

[Y/N] : Don't listen to him babe! He's lying through those disgusting yellow teeth of his! Just before you got here, he even tried to make me his next victim!

Herculena : What?! Is this true?

She asks while glaring at the cyclops, causing him to gulp nervously.

Cyclops : I'm sorry! What more can I say to you!

Herculena : Nothing. We're long past words now.

She delivers a powerful punch to the humanoid creature's stomach, causing him to spit up half of a villager's skeleton.

Herculena : Gross! You really are a monster!

Continuing to beat up the cyclops, [Y/N] watches as his girlfriend's best friend Meg and Satyr mentor Phil walk over to him.

Phil : You ok kid? You nearly became monster chow today.

[Y/N] : Yeah, I'm fine. Can't say the same for all the people that disgusting beast ate.

He says sadly as Meg pats him on the back.

Meg : Chin up [Y/N], Herculena's gonna make sure their deaths are avenged.

Phil : Yeah, she's really giving that cyclops the beat down of a lifetime! I almost feel sorry for him...almost.

[Y/N] : That's my girlfriend for you. She was born to be a hero.

Phil : Coming from someone who's trained many heroes through the years, I agree with ya.

Meg : You're a lucky guy [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Can't argue with you there Meg. By the way, how's your boyfriend doing?

Meg : He's doing fine, still drop dead handsome as always. Though he's been busy with things in the Underworld lately, so I haven't seen him in a while.

(That's a small reference to the Meg chapter I did in my Disney book if you're curious.)

Phil : Look! Herc's about to finish this!

Everyone's attention turns to Herculena, who lifts the cyclops over her head and carries him towards a nearby cliff.

Cyclops : W-what are you doing?! P-put me down!

Herculena : If you insist.

She throws the cyclops off the cliff, who screams before a loud crash is heard moments later, indicating that he's done for.

Herculena : There. Now the villagers will no longer live in constant fear of being eaten.

Walking over to her friends and boyfriend, Herculena stretches as [Y/N] gives her a smile.

[Y/N] : No matter how many times I watch you beat the crap out of monsters, it never stops being awesome! You're amazing Lena!

The orange haired demigoddess blushes from the nickname her boyfriend has given her and embraces him.

Herculena : Thanks [Y/N], I'm glad you think so.

Unfortunately due to her immense strength, she nearly crushes her boyfriend.

[Y/N] : Lena...my bones....their cracking from your hug!

She immediately lets go and awkwardly chuckles.

Herculena : Sorry about that [Y/N]. I forget my own strength sometimes.

[Y/N] : Man, between you and the cyclops, I'm getting the life squeezed out of me today. Oh well, your hugs are nice, so I can just deal with it. I love you Lena.

Herculena : I love you too [Y/N].

The two share a kiss before getting taking off on Pegasus to go tell the villagers that they're now cyclops free before meeting back up with their friends

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now