Things That Should've Been In The Movies Part 2

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1. Okay so really gory but like... the bodies of their rescuers? Strung up on the ceiling?!
Girl I- DAMN WHY?! But I feel it would rlly expose just how twisted wicked really was and they way they just messed with their brains... not cool bro.

2. Aris' introduction
Btw, his movie version is good good sthu if you don't agree CLINICALLY UNDERRATED - also he's rlly cute 🥰

3. Group B's backstory - where's the tea?! You cannot tell me there wasn't ANYTHING interesting about group B

4. Group B's slang

5. The fact that both maze groups were the same. (Except for the genders, of course.)

6. Theresa's disappearance.

7. Their tattoos.

8. The literal foreshadowing from the first book of what would happen after they got rescued

9. Aris and Theresa both being separated from their groups.

10. The tricks wicked pulled when they were in that building in the beginning of the book.


Also y'all are dead silent in the comments I need help, is this accurate or what?!? Also wth this is a fandom let's wreak havoc on this comment sections I want ideas, opinions, debates, etc.

What is y'alls opinion on the movie adaptations what would y'all have liked to have seen in the movies?

How many of y'all have read the books?

Who's your favourite character??

Thoughts on characters that died??

Thoughts on Theresa?

Also I need to know who y'all like!! Are you a Thomas girl, Newt girl, Minho girl, Aris girl, Gally? TELL ME!! (sorry for assuming gender I'm just typing rlly fast and I'm too lazy to change it)

Let's go people I am in so many chaotic fandoms this rn is so boring liven it up!

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