Things That Should've Been In The Movies Pt. 1

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1. They had electricity and running water

2. People weren't banished for being stung, they were banished for breaking the Glade's rules.

3. There was a serum for griever stings??

4. Ben was a Builder - not a runner.

5. The griever stings were different from the flare - wasn't clarified in the movies

6. There were 4 maze doors, not just 2 (as portrayed in the movies)


8. The map room had paper maps and Alby burned it down? (The building and the dupes for the maps.)

9. Thomas and Chuck's "brother" moments??

10. There we individual graves - George's wasn't the only one.

11. There's an actual reason no one goes down after the box has gone, aka. the literal HALF shank?!

12. Alby injured Ben with a bow and arrow?! I kinda want a badass Alby scene?!

13. Beetle Blades
Would make way more sense in the movies as to HOW WICKED was able to observe them? Cause if not WHERE are the security cameras?? Not putting them in the movies created such a big ass plot hole... FOR WHAT?!

14. The freaking cliff


16. The FAKE ASS SKY?!

17. Thomas and Theresa's freaky telekinesis - actually scratch that in case it isn't clear I lowkey hate her

18. The window to see the grievers from inside the maze ( I mean idk if I would've cared if it were in the movies, but I thought it was cool when I read that...)

19. SASSY MINHO - Where is book Minho!? I love his character in the movies, but he'd have been so much... hotter ig?

20. You can make requests for the box... We all know what Minho asked for 😂

21. They were in the maze, in fact for 2 - not 3 years.

22. Alby WASN'T the first, all the others that came before him just died -

23. There was not a first one in the maze, the first ones came in a group and the new greenies started coming afterwards. - That's much better than just one person alone in the glade like damn d'you know how scary that'd have been? And please don't go all y/n-y on me idc you'd have been terrified.

24. The grievers, when the walls didn't close no mo', only took 1 per night.

25. They didn't escape the day the doors started closing, it took a few days.

26. Thomas and Theresa were in the maze much longer in the books than in the movies.

27. Minho wanted to make Thomas the keeper... when I read that I was all gasping and sh*t

28. Winston, Frypan, and Zart actually were relevant in the book - WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SO HAPPY 😃

29. The keeper meeting - I know technically it was in the movies, but B*tch where's the tea?!! It was SO dry in the movies FOR WHAT

30. Grievers can roll? Idk why I pictured a black snowball when I read it but LMAO

31. The grievers had other tools other than their stingers - Imagine how much scarier they'd have been... I'M ALL FOR IT. Like imagine you're in the maze and this thing comes at you with a saw, a huge hammer, etc. Like I'd just die right there before it could even reach me like no way.

32. They actually had time to prep once they realized the doors weren't closing

33. Gally disappears, then reappears, all to be taken by the grievers - That fixes so many plot holes like when I watched the movie I was like HOW TF THIS DUDE GET FROM THERE TO HERE?!! Also that scene where he killed chuck in the movies... OMG MY POOR BBYS!

34. Minho followed the grievers after they took Gally to confirm the griever hole thingy - Imagine, you haven't read the books, you're a Minho fan girl, and that scene comes on... Lmao I'd be crushed for a hot second like NOOOO MY BOIII

35. Chuck's death - I legit hate that scene because it has so many plot holes in the movies, so if they had just stuck with the original scene from the books It'd make much more sense.

36. The grieving parts - Like a heartbroken Newt? A grieving Thomas? 😭😭😭 Hell yes please, like it's unnatural to just be like omg he's dead 😭😭😭 Okay moving on ✌️😘

 The grieving parts - Like a heartbroken Newt? A grieving Thomas? 😭😭😭 Hell yes please, like it's unnatural to just be like omg he's dead 😭😭😭 Okay moving on ✌️😘

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