SFW Alphabet - Newt Part One

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A Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate, loves subtle PDA. Loves to give and receive nose and forehead kisses. His favourite way to show affection is when waking you up. He peppers your face and neck with butterfly kisses.

B Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Such a supportive and comforting friend. You two would just click immediately. You were the missing puzzle piece in his life and he will make sure to stick by you through thick and thin, even if you only feel platonic feelings for him - he wouldn't want to loose you.

C Cuddles (Do they likes to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
LOVES to cuddle, it's his love language.
Either one of you is sleeping on top of the other or waist-holding while sleeping. Your hand interlocked in his hair and your legs tangled. He'd trace shapes on your back with his head in your neck.
He loves to be little spoon and wants to happy cry when you pay with his hair.

D Domestic (Do they want to settle down? Would they be a good marriage mate?)
He dreams of settling down with you, it's his favourite thing to imagine. He dreams of being yours and waking up next to you every day.
The ideal partner - he'd rather be the one to stay at home so he can make you smile when you come back. So supportive and is amazing at understanding exactly what you need. Scarily good at organizing.

E Ending (If they had to end things between you, why would they do it?)
He'd probably break up with you because he'd start to feel heavily depressed again and he wouldn't want to bring you down with him. You'd get back together when he realizes you'd never go anywhere.

F Fiancé (How would they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Would love to marry you. Feels slightly scared of bringing it up, but when he learns you fantasize about it, he'd feel relieved and slowly start to prepare.
He'd want to go slow and learn all about you rather than rush in.

G Gentle (How gentle are they, physically and emotionally?)
His fingertips are so light when caressing your body, gentle and loving. He'd be a great listener to your problems and would only offer solutions when you ask.

H Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often? What are their hugs like?)
LIVES for your hugs. He gives minimum 10 hugs per day and loves when you initiate. His favourite types of hugs are ones that feel like you're melting into each other.
He loves putting his head in the crook of your neck and slightly inhaling. He loves grabbing you by the waist or hands on your lower back.
You once pulled him backwards by his belt loop into a back hug - red as a tomato but loved it.

I ILY (How fast do they say ILY? Who says it first?)
He'd say it first. He'd either say it during a fluffy, intimate moment or in the middle of a late night or early morning conversation. Heart eyes and all, melts when you say it back. Soft kisses.
He'd say it before the dating stage, as a way of confession.

J Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Doesn't get jealous, but gets uncomfortable for (can't decide if it's for you, him, or a little bit of both) when someone intrudes your boundaries.
He likes to come up and include himself in the conversation (mostly to save you - or so he likes to think) and see you visibly relax. (He knows you can take care of yourself, but likes to be able to observe.)

K Kisses (What are their kisses like? Favourite place to kiss us? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The softest kisser ever. He always asks for silent permission and loves to mumble "ily"s into the kisses.
Loves to kiss your nose, forehead, hair, and hands in addition to your lips.
He loves when you kiss behind his ears and on his hair. He loves waking up to your butterfly-soft kisses on his chest.

L Lil' Ones (How are they with kids? Do they any kids?)
Really good with kids, they seem to be drawn to him and he acts like a great big brother.
Would be an amazing father but would rather a pet kitten or puppy - depending on which you'd prefer. If you were to have a child, he'd want to adopt one.

M Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Early morning sunrise mornings. Sleepy "i love you"s and "how'd you sleep m'love"s. Snuggling deeper into each other when you initially wake up.

N Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Admiring each other's sleeping forms, either on top of each other or snuggled into their sides.

Part 2 coming soon.

Should I do Aris or Gally next? Lemme know.

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