Pick Your POV Part Two

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~ Paintball activity with the TMR friendgroup. Gally (your boy best friend) backs you up in a corner, kisses you, shoots you, and walks away... Minho is wolf whistling all the way on the other side of the room at you two the whole time... He is supposed to help you, he's on your team! And all the drama that happens afterwards

~ You and Aris fall asleep together and he wakes up to find his hand tangled in your hair and you sleeping on him, with your arms around his waist.

~ You share a journal and Thomas gets a rush of confidence and write his feelings to you, chickens out, and paints over it. You later receive the journal back and find his page... He used a cheap, see through paint. You read it all.

~ Historical Fiction AU: There's a ball and the emperor's son invites you to dance with him. You get to know Minho.

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