Will Poulter Imagine

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A cute Will interview: https://pin.it/5pFqJOn1A

You're an actress. The Maze Runner series was your first time acting, but you and Will had dated for a while before.
(I moved the part where they're in the w.c.k.d facility in the Scorch Trials to the first movie to fit my imagine.)

You play Finnea (an oc) from maze B.
Finnea is subject B12, W.C.K.D labelled her The Siren. She's Chuck's older sister and later dates Minho (at the end of The Death Cure). She is an immune and ends up giving blood to Newt which saves him from the Flare. She and Aris were the only ones left from their maze when they escaped W.C.K.D with the others.

You had just arrived from the airport from Canada. You had taken a taxi to the hotel the cast was staying at while filming. You were finally filming The Scorch Trials (your favourite book of the series.) You play Finnea - subject B12 from Aris' maze - you were so excited to start filming again and see all your friends!!

You sent a message to the group chat that you had arrived and flopped down on your hotel bed. Your phone lit up with a selfie from Dexter sending you a thumbs up. You smiled a bit and set your phone down to begin unpacking.

First you unpacked your plane tote bag filled with your script, The Scorch Trials book (just to jog your memory), notebooks, medications, and other random things. You then plugged in your phone and heard a soft knock at your door.

You set your (nearly) empty tote bag on the bed and went to answer the door.

Behind it, was Will. Now, in the movies you'll be playing Minho's girlfriend - but, in real life you were dating Will.

He greeted you with a grin and asked, "How was the flight, pretty girl?" You rolled your eyes and chuckled, "The usual - yours?" "Yeah it was okay, I actually got to sleep this time," he said as he sat on your bed. "Lucky - I have no idea how you do it, I hate airplane rides." "Practice makes perfect." "Wowwwww, Mr. FamousandExperienced here make wayyy," you smirked.

"You love me," he confidently stated. "Hmmm do I?" His grin faltered for a second, "Well! I'd hope you do because I'd look like an idiot!" "Aw my love, of course I love you," you reassured him as you knew he was unsure. "Oh bloody -, Darling don't scare me like that!" He said as he kissed my nose. "I just loveee to mess with you!"

"Now, I'm really tired, I didn't sleep the whole plane ride, and we start filming tomorrow..." I tried to hint. He smirked as he slipped under the covers, "How rude of me, I was taking up the whole bed!" I sighed in defeat and got up, hiding my smile. "Well you should at least brush your teeth!" "I was all ready for bed and I got your text, I couldn't let my Princess sleep by herself!" God I love him, I did't even want him to leave - he knows me so well.

~10 minutes later~

I slipped into bed next to Will. I turned on my mini book light and started to read the final chapters of my old « The Scorch Trials » book. It was the original, the one I had got when it had just come out, and I loved it - old, crinkly pages and all.

What a perfect way to end a day. I closed my book, turned off the light, and kissed his temple goodnight.

When I woke up our his head was between my shoulder blades, his arm slung around my waist, and his legs intertwined with mine.

It was the best night's sleep I had gotten in a while. I started to realize that just being with Will made me feel better. He simply made me happy inside, in a way no one else could. The realization didn't hit me like a truck but rather as a simple statement. I really did love Will.

And he loves me.

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