Things That Should've Been In The Movies Part 3

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1. The Baggers
I mean, they had a really important job. They took care of the bodies and guarded the maze... THAT'S IMPORTANT
Also I probably would've drooled over the Bagger's Keeper, because we all know they'd be lowkey hot.

2. The Flat Trans
Like, they were LEGIT forced to go into the scorch, that's why it's called the scorch TRIALS.
Although I do like how Wes made the movie, the og is just very different.

3. All of W.C.K.D's mind tricks. For example, fake sky, fake brick wall, fake bodies, etc.

4. The fact that W.C.K.D just left them with food for days.
Why!? To check for cannibals?? Like tf

5. The head eating balls

y'know what nvm i'd have been scarred for life...

6. The silver stuff that ate Winston's skin

Yeah that one too is actually not it for me... thank god Wes didn't add that

7. The WHITE HOT sun
Like in the movies the sun just looked slightly hotter, it was supposed to be like white.

8. Winston and Jack's deaths
I feel like I wouldn't have wanted to see that, but like Jack was in the movies but he legit disappeared without explanation... I'd have liked even just seeing something happen to him, even if it were subtle.

9. Brenda's Nationality
I think it's cool the fact that Brenda is Canadian

10. Where the Scorch is Placed
They said somewhere in Mexico based off the labels on the food cans.

11. The fact that W.C.K.D put all the infected in one place
Lowkey very smart and kinda considerate that they put them in a place with lots of food factories.

12. Jorge's cranks tried to blow them up.

13. Rose took my nose I suppose interaction in The Underground.

14. Brenda had long hair in the scorch trials.

15. At the end of the Scorch Trials book, Brenda talks to Thomas via telepathy.

16. Aris and Teresa's betrayal.

17. Maze B
Basically all Maze B details the movies left out. Ate fact that they kidnapped Thomas, planned to kill him, but decided not to and turned on Teresa.

18. Frypan is funny??
Not a lot of these instances but Character Development?! Helloooo

19. Teresa's bipolarness
No she does not have bipolar, but she sure did act like it.

20. W.C.K.D tried to off them with monsters with bulbs of light, no faces, and knives on their hands and feet.
Again, an interesting detail, but I would've screamed if they put that in the movies... Again, thank you Wes.

21. Brenda is touchy af

22. Thomas is the real leader signs everywhere in the crank city

23. Cranks can talk and not just make sounds
I feel that's more interesting than the movie cranks...


... sorry

25. Minho's hair actually got greasy

26. Candidates - The whole explaination

27. A group of cranks kidnapped Thomas & Brenda, drugged them, and tried to make them join their "gang".

27.5 Minho and the others found them, but Thomas got shot in the shoulder with a rusty bullet and W.C.K.D took him and fixed him.

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