SFW Alphabet - Aris 1

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A Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Super affectionate. Loves to spoon, lay down on top of you, have you on him - anything that involves having you close and having a hold on you. Gentle, lowkey PDA with a hand constantly on you. (Extra points if you're ticklish and giggle softly when he puts his hands on you.)
Loves to have whispered conversations with you and inside jokes no one else understands.

B Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He'd be the quiet, listener friend that you can go to for anything. He'd always be willing to listen and give you his full attention if you had something to tell him.
He'd be given to your keeper to try out a job and they'd assign him to you. He'd instantly feel a pull towards you and you felt the same. Instant click. (Déjà vu if you will.)

C Cuddles (Do they likes to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Loves cuddles, he would especially love it if you ask him specifically for cuddles. This man would never say no to cuddles.
Your head in his neck, your arms wrapped around him, one of his hands on the back of your neck, the other on your waist, your foreheads together = Melted Aris.
Has favourite positions, but does not care as long as you're cuddling this man is A-okay.

D Domestic (Do they want to settle down? Would they be a good marriage mate?)
In the abandoned mall, he saw an ingraving, T+F in a heart with 2 rings joined, scratched on a wall. He took that as a sign.
He craves the idea of settling down with you, but doesn't think he could with the situation.
In a normal world, he'd be a wonderful marriage mate, the kind that instead of fighting and going to bed mad about it, he'd want to talk it out and understand both viewpoints and work towards a solution together.

E Ending (If they had to end things between you, why would they do it?)
He'd get worried that you would want to break up with him first because you found one of the gladers better. He'd know deep down you would never, but he wanted to give you a chance to try if you wanted to.

Mazerunner Boys ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now