The 65th Hunger Games

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"And there you have it folks, this year's victor, victor of the 65th Hunger Games and youngest victor ever, Finnick Odair!" Caesar Flickerman's voice rang through the room, followed closely by the cheers of some of Cress' friends.

"Cress, look, Finnick won!" Annie Cresta exclaims, eyes bright. Annie was a constant presence in the Bronzetide household, as she was best friends with the youngest child, Junie Bronzetide. Well, her full name was Juniper, but everyone called her Junie.

"I heard," Cress responds drily, not bothering to glance up from the dishes she was washing. "Turn it down, will you?"

"Cress, stop being so sour." Jaycee Dawnlock rolls her eyes, poking her head through the door to the kitchen. "Come on, you're at least a little happy that he won, right?"

"Fine, yes, I'm a little happy he won," she mutters, averting her eyes so Jaycee wouldn't see her flushed face. Truth be told, she'd been just a bit infatuated with him since they were kids. Growing up in the same district and being in the same class for years will do that to anyone.

"Knew it," Jaycee snickers, sitting back down on the couch. Face red, Cress continues to wash the dishes.

"Cress, when's Mom gonna be home?" Junie asks.

"Later," she responds vaguely, not wanting to make any promises.

"..That's what you said last time," she mumbles under her breath, turning back to the hologram on the wall. Cress swears under her breath, muttering to herself while stealing glances at the hologram to catch a glimpse of Finnick.

-------------------------Victory Tour------------------------------

"Look, look, there he is!" Annie exclaims, pointing at the stage. Finnick walks up to the podium, waving and smiling at the crowd with his signature grin.

"Yeah, there he is," Cress mumbles dreamily, staring up at the stage.

"Wow, talk about hearts for eyes," Jaycee snickers, elbowing her.

"Ow! Bitch.." she mutters, poking her in retaliation.

"Both of you, stop," Junie hisses. "He's starting his speech!" Both Jaycee and Cress stop what they're doing and pay attention to the boy on the stage.

"Hello District 4," Finnick says, his voice projecting throughout the square. A large group of girls with signs proclaiming themselves the Finnick Fan Club squeal and scream, yelling about how much they love him.

"Hi Finnick!" "Finnick, marry me!" "Finnick, I love you!" Cress looks mildly concerned, glancing over at the gaggle of screaming girls.

"Are they okay?" she whispers to Jaycee.

"No. No they are not." Jaycee shakes her head in disappointment.

"I want to thank you all for your support of me during the Games. Dare I say, you guys are the ones who got me through it. To the family of Brooke Mildworth, I am terribly sorry for your loss. She fought well until the end and died honourably. And finally, to the special lady who's mere thought kept me going. Thank you." At his final sentence, the crowd erupts into shocked murmurs and loud cheers and screams. Finnick waves, the crowd of girls screaming in his wake as he's escorted off of the stage and to the train.

"Special girl?" Jaycee whistles, eyebrows raised. "Wonder who that is. Bet she's got a target on her back now."

"No doubt about that," Cress laughs, glancing towards where Finnick was disappearing into the train. "Lucky girl.." she adds under her breath.

"Who do you think he was talking about?" Annie asks curiously.

"Maybe someone he met in the Capitol!" Junie exclaims. "Oh I bet they had a lovely romance, don't you think Cress?"

"Yeah. Definitely." Cress blinks, shaking her head to clear it. The thought of Finnick having a special girl, however, still lingers in the back of her thoughts.

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