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Cress wasn't even able to give Tazzel and Saffrin a proper goodbye, only barely managing to speak to Sorrel before she was rushed out to the waiting car. The windows were tinted to prevent the Capitol citizens from peering into the cars, Cress assumes, as she's sat in a separate car from Finnick.

She wasn't too happy about that, if she was being honest. The train was waiting for her and Nutmeg rushed her aboard, insisting that they had to move quicker so she wouldn't be late to some dinner party. Cress had learned to just tune her out when she got to talking, because she didn't talk about anything but herself.

Once the train begins moving and it's plunged into darkness from the tunnel, she takes a breath. She was out of the Capitol. She could finally relax. She immediately took a lengthy shower, washing all the products out of her hair and scrubbing a layer of skin off of her body. By the end, she felt more normal, but still out of place.

She put on a pair of loose pants, ones that wouldn't strangle her legs like those damn tights, and a white shirt that was also on the looser side. She could finally breathe.

Until Finnick sat down beside her in the common area of the train. "Hey Birdie."

"Not in the mood Finn," she sighs, looking over at him. His blond-bronze hair, his sea green eyes, and his irritatingly perfect sun kissed skin made him look irresistible, to her at least. This was Finnick Odair, however, the man who regularly met with supermodels and actresses alike. Cress must seem like a troll compared to them.

"Aw, come on, don't be crabby." he leans back on the couch, that smirk of his playing on his lips. His lips, the ones she really wanted to kiss. No, don't think like that Cress. You do not want to kiss this man, you don't care about him at all!

"I am not crabby." Cress frowns.

"You just proved my point, sweetheart, want to try that again?" Finnick raises his eyebrow, the smirk getting wider.

"Oh, buzz off," she mutters, colour rising on her cheeks. "And don't call me sweetheart."

"So stingy today, wow," Finnick teases, poking her shoulder. "But it's still got you blushing."

"I am not blushing!" she exclaims, standing up. "Quit being an ass for like two seconds Finn, would it kill you?"

"Yes," he snickers, following her as she walks out of the room. "Oh come on, don't be like that Cressie."

"Give me a goddamn break," she mutters, crossing into a new compartment. "Bye Finn."

"See you at dinner Birdie." he winks, continuing down the hall to his own room.

"Asshole." Her cheeks are still pink as she sits down on her bed, burying her face into one of the cushy pillows on the bed. After a few minutes of her silently screaming into her pillow, she walks out and down the hall, wanting to explore the train further. When she was first on the train, she'd been on her way to compete and hadn't had the time to explore. Now that she was out of the arena, she wanted to check out the train. She walked into a compartment that smelled like water, assuming that it was a type of bathing area.

What she didn't expect is to see Finnick without his shirt on and a towel wrapped around his waist, walking out of a sauna area. She pauses and so does he as they stare at each other for a moment. Finnick recovers first, his lips curling into a grin.

"We've really got to stop meeting like this, hm Cress?" he raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah," she mutters, averting her eyes. "You going to stay shirtless, or will you have mercy on my eyes?"

"Oh come on Cress, I'm incredibly attractive!" he rolls his eyes, walking over and leaning over her. "Aren't I, Cressie?" Her cheeks went neon red when he spoke, her eyes defying her brain as they start drifting down his torso, admiring the muscle and smooth skin. There was the happy trail, oh lord above. Her eyes snapped back up to his face.

"Fine. You're mildly attractive. There, happy?" she raised her eyebrow.

"Not quite, but it'll do for now." Finnick gives her his signature charming smirk. "Bye bye Birdie."

"You suck, Finn." she exits the train car, running back to her room and shutting the door.

Did she fall asleep thinking about his abs? Yes. She did.


Finnick was going nuts. After his interaction with Cress in the common area, he'd gone to the sauna to relax. He may have been thinking of her the whole time and was imagining her being right there in the sauna with him, but he wasn't going to say that out loud. Then when he'd gotten out of there, he saw her standing there with a blush on her cheeks that just made him want to kiss her right there in the sauna compartment.

He'd seen her eyes, how they trailed up and down his body in clear admiration, watched her eyes linger on his abs.

Goddamn, she didn't know what she did to him.

His thoughts went back to a few years ago when she'd first started in the circus. He'd snuck out to watch her perform, not wanting to miss her first ever show. God, he'd been mesmerized by the way she moved on the trapeze, the way her body responded so smoothly and managed to twist itself into various positions.

He'd been in love with her, he just hadn't realized it at the time. Hadn't realized it, really, until he saw her fighting Cliff.

He, Finnick Odair, Golden Boy of the Capitol, was in love with Cress Bronzetide, the Pearl Princess.




there will be a bonus chapter about Cress and Finnick's reactions to Katniss and Peeta's games, which will be next, then maybe another short bonus chapter before i start writing catching fire. and maybe if i get reallllllllllly industrious ill write a chapter from Fer-Bear's perspective

love you all, MWAH!!!!!! ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)

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