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The chariots stop in front of the presidential mansion, both Cress and Ferric looking up towards where President Snow has started to speak.

"Welcome, everyone, to the 67th Hunger Games." Snow announces, causing the crowds to cheer loudly. "Here we have this year's tributes, two from each district. I wish you all the best of luck, for this is the ultimate test of wit, strength, and skill." He drones on for a while, but Cress pretty much tunes him out and focuses on the tributes around her. From District 7, the female is quite burly and seems hardened by the world, while the male is young, maybe 13, and had an air of innocence. District 10 had twins, one likely volunteered so they wouldn't have to leave the other to die alone. District 3 had two scrawny ones, but if she'd learned anything from watching the games it's to not base your judgement on looks. Anyone can be deadly in the right situation.

"May the odds be ever in your favour." Snow wraps up his speech, his tone almost mocking in the way he says 'ever' so callously.

"Dick," Cress mutters under her breath, causing Ferric to snort.

"My my, I didn't know the little lady could curse," he laughs.

"The little lady can do more than curse." Cress adjusts her hair, fixing the beachy waves she was given by Tazzel. Oh, she misses the beach so much.

"Look at you, you're spicy today. What did they do to you in the dressing room?" Ferric asks, smirking. Before she can respond, the chariot starts moving again. She stumbles at the sudden movement, leading Ferric to grabbing her waist to keep her from falling over completely. "Whoa there, you alright?"

"Yeah, fine. Just tired," she mumbles, standing upright again. They disembark from the chariot and Finnick walks over to them.

"That was good." he nods, looking over the both of them. His eyes linger on Cress for just a moment before returning to Ferric. "Nice move, grabbing her hand."

"Told you so," Ferric says pointedly, grinning at Cress.

"Shut up." she rolls her eyes, turning away to talk to Sorrel. Finnick watches her saunter away for a brief second before returning to his conversation with Ferric.

"You looked so amazing, the crowd fell in love with you for sure!" Tazzel exclaims, gripping her hand excitedly. "Oh, you are just going to be the talk of the Capitol! You and your romance with McSteamy over there, meow!" Cress' cheeks go red, the colour rising quickly.

"Romance? What?" she sputters, glancing at Finnick.

"Oh yes, you and Ferric will simply be on everyone's mind!" he claims. Cress blinks, realizing he'd meant Ferric, not Finnick. Wait, why had she just assumed it was Finnick? Of course it made more sense for it to be Ferric, what was she thinking?

"Oh, um, yeah. Definitely," she says halfheartedly. Sorrel decides to interject, cutting off Tazzel.

"I think we should let her get some rest, she's had a big day after all," Sorrel reasons, motioning for her to make her escape while Tazzel was distracted. Saffrin escorts her to where Finnick and Ferric are waiting.

"See you soon Cress," she says softly before hurrying back to Sorrel and Tazzel.

"Your stylist is.. hyper," Ferric remarks as they all get into the car to be taken to the apartments.

"Who, Tazzel? No, he's just excited. This is his first time as an official stylist." Cress glances out the window, watching the world zoom by. Why had she jumped to defend Tazzel like that? It wasn't like she'd even known him for long, she'd met him today! Pushing that thought aside, she steps out of the car when it arrives at the apartments.

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