Final Words

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She's woken up by Tazzel's exuberant voice chattering about how it's such a 'big, big, day!'. Cress was not in the same boat. Her head hurt and she was groggy from lack of sleep.

"Good, you're awake." Sorrel gives her a half smile. "Saffrin is preparing a bath as we speak. I have to run out and get your dress, and Tazzel needs to relieve some energy, so it'll just be you and Saffrin until we return. Alright?"

"Alright." she nods, her slippered feet making almost no noise as she makes her way to the bathroom. "Saffrin?"

"Cress, hello." she waves, ushering her into the bath. "How are you, feeling alright after the party?"

"It's been a rough morning," Cress mumbles, setting her robe and slippers aside as she slides into the bath. "How about you? The crowd loved you yesterday." Saffrin's cheeks flush, a small smile on her lips.

"I had an amazing time yesterday, that party was spectacular!" she says, a rare show of excitement coming from the typically collected woman. "President Snow shook my hand and I just about died. He even praised my makeup skills." The mention of President Snow sends a cold shock down her spine, causing her to shiver despite the warm bath.

"Really? Wow," Cress says half-heartedly, but Saffrin doesn't notice as she continues to talk. It seemed that she had a lot to say today, she'd noticed.

"And the video of the Games, oh my, I was speechless most of the time," she says, massaging Cress' scalp. "Fer-" Saffrin stops mid-word, not continuing when she feels Cress' spine lock up. Ferric.

His name is like a knife to the heart for Cress, the memory of his blood on her arms, her legs, her hands, all over her as he died in her grip. She couldn't save him, his death was her fault. He'd died saving her, and she'd never forget it.


"..Sorry," Saffrin whispers, continuing to wash her hair.

"It's alright." Cress' voice is shaky, taking a sharp breath at the end of her sentence. It wasn't alright. It would never be alright. But she would have to live with it, with the guilt. His blood was on her hands, and she would carry its stain for the rest of her miserable little life. The rest of the time passes by in silence, Saffrin not wanting to make it more awkward while Cress is lost in her memories.

"We're back!" Tazzel's loud voice is followed by his quick pitter patter as he runs into the room. "Hello!"

"Hi Tazzel." Cress waves, and Saffrin nods in greeting.

"Oh don't you look refreshed and squeaky clean!" Tazzel coos, talking to her hair like it's alive. Cress raises her eyebrows but doesn't comment. "Now then Cress, onto important matters. You simply must see the beautiful dress Sorrel has made for you!"

"Tazzel, please," Sorrel says, a small smile on his face. "You've built it up too much."

"Nonsense!" Tazzel exclaims. "Oh, just look Cress! Isn't it absolutely wonderful?" Sorrel holds up the dress for her to see. It's a beautiful blue dress once again, this time with white lace that makes it look like cresting waves.

"Cress. Cresting. I see your train of thought here," she says, her lips curling into a smile.

"It's a little obvious, I'll admit, but I think it ties in beautifully." Sorrel laughs, crossing his arms. "Go on, put it on." She carefully puts it on with some help from Sorrel and Saffrin while Tazzel gathers up the accessories.

"Well Cress, I do believe that you'll be the prettiest victor the Capitol has ever seen!" Tazzel proclaims, ushering her towards the mirror. "Look, look!" She looks at herself in the mirror, her eyes widening when she sees the dress. The waves look incredibly real, almost like a projection, and they seem to shift with her movements.

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