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Ferric was venturing out with Cress for the first time in a week, both of them deciding it was time to find a new place. They said their goodbyes to the cave that they had been inhabiting for the majority of the Games and packed up their shit, ready to leave.

"Cress, you have no idea how much I missed actual air," Ferric sighs, taking a deep breath of fresh oxygen once he makes it outside.

"I think I have an idea." she rolls her eyes. "Come on. I don't know how many tributes are left, but I know for sure that the Career pack is still alive."

"I bet that girl from 7 is too," Ferric says, following her.

"You're probably right. Do you think that's it?" she asks, peeking around the corner.

"Honestly? Yeah." Ferric nods. "I think that's it."

"I think it's finally time we went after the Career pack," Cress sighs. "But we have to be smart about it."

"Finally!" Ferric grins, stretching his arms. "We so got this Cress."

"Sure we do." Cress felt that Ferric should maybe be more concerned about their impending doom, but who was she to dictate his feelings?

"Let's go, come on Cress!" Ferric starts to jog, miming punches the whole time.

"Ferric, wait up!" Cress runs after him, muttering curses to herself about 'impudent men and their stupidity'.

"So, Cress, what's the plan?" he asks, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"I have an idea," she says. "You draw them out, make them follow you to where I am. I'm gonna be up in the trees and when they go by, I'll take care of them. You'll need to be on your guard, because there's no guarantee that I can take care of them all in one swoop."

"Damn, you've thought this out." Ferric raises his eyebrows, looking impressed. "Didn't think you had it in you."

"Ferric, I've had a week to think about this," she sighs.

"Fair enough. Guess we should put that plan into action then." Ferric cracks his joints.

"We can't do it yet though. First, we gotta take care of that girl from 7." Cress frowns.

"Shit, I forgot," Ferric mutters. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go hunting."

"Good idea." Cress and Ferric walk around in the maze, Cress occasionally scaling trees to see. When the ground starts shaking, they gripped onto each others arms so they wouldn't be separated.

"I hate when that happens," Ferric mutters, frowning.

"You and me both." Cress glances around, listening. She hears rustling to the left. "Ferric, duck!" As they both drop to the ground, a knife whizzes over their heads and the girl from 7 drops down from the trees.

"Couldn't have just taken it to the face like you were supposed to huh?" she snaps, teeth bared.

"How's your shoulder?" Ferric smirks, reminding her of when he'd shot her in the shoulder with his harpoon.

"Fuck you!" she exclaims, pulling an axe from behind her.

"Oh shit!" Ferric tackles her before she can throw it, knocking the axe from her hands.

"Ferric!" Cress grabs the axe before the girl from 7 can, brandishing it like she knows what the hell she's doing.

"Cress, get out of here!" Ferric shouts, wrestling with her now.

"No way, I'm not leaving you!" Cress pulls a knife out but can't line up a shot. She watches as they both stand up, the girl getting Ferric into a chokehold. Once she for sure was turned away and couldn't see Cress, she snuck up behind her and jumped onto her back.

The Flying Fish (Exocoetidae)|| Finnick Odair X Fem!OCWhere stories live. Discover now