Final Interview

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"Tazzel, go cool off in the hall," Saffrin orders quietly, and Tazzel hurries from the room. "Apologies. Sorrel told us to keep it together for you, but you know Taz."

"Yeah, I know, don't worry," Cress reassures her, giving Saffrin a half smile. Tazzel's loud wails echo into the room, even from the hallway, which forces Cress to hold in a giggle at his hysterics. She knew it was wrong to laugh when he was so emotional over her, but it was kind of silly. Maybe it just hadn't sunk in yet for her that she likely wouldn't be seeing these people ever again.

"Now then, whatever are we doing with your hair?" Saffrin asks, holding up an armada of hair products and tools. "Sorrel has given me very specific instructions, so sit back, relax, and don't move a muscle."

"..Alright," Cress says, leaning back and letting Saffrin work her magic. After a few minutes, Tazzel re-entered the room and took up his spot on her opposite side. This lengthy process of doing her hair gave Cress ample time to think.

Time she really didn't need.

Memories that she had tried so hard to bury, memories from that fucking arena, burned through her mind. She saw the slit throat of that girl from District 8, the blood streaming from her neck. She saw Morrel, saw him face as her knife tore through his throat, Chrysa's agonized scream in the background. Chrysa's hateful glare as she fell from that tree, the sound of her neck snapping as she hit the ground. Velora's eyes dimming as the life poured out of her. Cliff's bloody, broken body on the ground as the knives cut through him.

Ferric, dying on her lap, his blood all over her. His eyes losing their life, that spark, his lifeblood everywhere but inside of him, but where it was supposed to be. A long shiver ran through her, her head twitching to the side.

"Cress! I said no moving!" Saffrin scolds, frowning.

"Sorry, sorry," she whispers, sitting back. "Continue."

"Thank you," Saffrin huffs, her hands going back to fiddling with her hair.

Another half hour passed before they finished their fussing, sending her off to see Sorrel, but not before they both crushed her with a hug. Taz went first, wrapping his stubby arms around her as tight as he could.

"I'm going to miss you oh so much, oh Cress, oh Cress!" he wails loudly.

"Taz, I would like to hug her something this century?" Saffrin says quietly, tapping his shoulder.

"Of course, of course," he sniffles, stepping away from her and letting Saffrin have her shot at the let's-crush-Cress'-ribs game.

"Do you best, Cress. We'll be watching from the audience, rooting for you," Saffrin whispers to her. "We're on your side, always."

"Thank you, Saffrin, Taz." she smiles at the both of them. "I'll do my best, alright? I better not catch you both crying over me, hm?"

"I make no promises," Tazzel laughs weakly. "Now shoo, Sorrel will have all of our heads if you're late."

"Bye, guys," Cress says quietly before she walked down the hall and towards the door, Tazzel's sobs following her no matter how far she got. She wiped a tear of her own while trying her absolute best to not mess up any of the work they'd done on her face and hair. Despite their ignorance, and despite their privileged lived in the Capitol, they had become close to her over the years of being her prep team.

Dammit, she would miss them.

"Hello, Cress," Sorrel says, smiling weakly at her. "How have you been?"

"It's been one hell of a morning, Sorrel," she sighs, welcoming his hug. "So, what do you have in store for me today?"

"I've decided to continue with the goddess era for you, playing up your regality if you will." Sorrel gestures to the dress behind him, and she gasped. It had flowing sleeves that went past her wrists, a tight waist that was surely paired with a corset inside that would absolutely strangle her, and a loose skirt that floated around her in soft waves. The front of the skirt was form fitting, while the rest almost seemed like it was floating. The front was covered in intricate, embroidered pearls that made beautiful patterns on the fabric.

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