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"Ferric, pass me the rope." Cress holds her hand out for the rope that had came with the catch bar. Ferric was sitting on a branch about 13 feet off the ground, if Cress was guessing correctly, and she was on a branch about 17 feet up.

"Rope, rope, rope.. rope!" Ferric hands her the rope with a beaming smile, looking very proud of himself.

"Thank you." she secures it's hold on the catch bar. "Time for a test run."

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Ferric asks, his voice wavering when he sees her ready to jump.

"Nope. Wish me luck." With those parting words, Cress jumps and grips onto the catch bar. Suddenly it's just her hands on the bar and the open air.

It's exhilarating.

She'd missed the feeling of swinging through the air, not a care in the world. Well, except falling and dying. But she wasn't up high enough for that, so it was fine.

"Wow," Ferric watches her soar through the air with an awed expression, his face slack with admiration.

"You wanna try?" Cress dismounts and motions for him to climb up to her.

"No thanks, I prefer to leave my feet on the ground. I'm not really a sky kind of guy." he holds his hands up, giving her a charming smile.

"Alright, I see how it is." she sets the catch bar down behind a smaller branch to make sure it doesn't slide off at some point.

"Hey now, be nice," Ferric laughs.

"I'm very nice." Cress climbs down to where he's waiting and sits beside him, looking out at the trees that surround them.

"Hey Cress?" Ferric leans forward slightly, smiling at her.

"Yeah Fer?"

"You look really pretty right now." his voice is a low whisper as his eyes gently trace over her face. "Like, really pretty." Cress feels her face heat up, her cheeks reddening for sure.

"Thanks Ferric." Cress is smiling, a smile directed at Ferric. "You don't look so bad yourself." Now it's Ferric's turn to blush, his tanned cheeks turning pink.

"You don't mean that..," he mumbles, looking away before glancing back over at her with a slightly hopeful expression. "..do you?"

"I do mean that." she gently hits his shoulder. "You're attractive, Amberfall."

"Cress, this is definitely the worst time for this considering one of us is gonna die but I just have to tell you." Ferric takes a deep breath. Cress feels her muscles lock up and her spine stiffen. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit.

"Cress, I-" he starts, but then the sound of something moving shuts him up. It was about twenty meters away, and sounded like an animal of sorts.

"What was that?" Cress sits up, glancing around with her brows furrowed.

"I don't know." Ferric's grip on his harpoon tightens, knuckles whitening. "Should we go check it out?"

"Probably a bad idea. Let's go." Cress climbs down quickly and waits for Ferric at the base. "Hurry up Fer, come on."

"I am hurrying, Cress, not everyone is a trapeze artist," he mutters, landing heavily beside her.

"Well now, who's fault is that?" she starts walking, not waiting for Ferric. "Come on slowpoke." The noises get louder and Cress pulls out one of her knives, frowning.

"Cress, maybe we should turn around," Ferric whispers, grabbing her shoulder.

"Yeah, you're probably right." she nods, turning on her heel. A loud baying sound erupts from behind them and they both turn white in the face.

The Flying Fish (Exocoetidae)|| Finnick Odair X Fem!OCWhere stories live. Discover now