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Cress dove into the water and for a moment, there was silence. Pure, beautiful silence. Then she surfaced, and the sound of tributes fighting met her ears. She swam over to the island where the cornucopia was, pulling herself out of the water and pushing her hair back from her face. She noticed a few things at once.

Katniss had made it as well, she knew how to swim, something Cress hadn't expected. She'd grabbed a bow and was pointing it at...


Cress grabbed the bandolier and palmed a knife, prepared to throw it at her if she made the wrong move. God, he looked gorgeous all wet, but she wasn't supposed to focus on that. She moved quietly, creeping closer to Katniss and then around her to Finnick's side.

"Cressie, there you are." Finnick smirked, and Katniss' gaze cut to her, or more accurately, her knife.

"Hey." Cress looked Katniss up and down, her jaw clenched as she took in the sight. "Got a problem?"

"You can swim too," Finnick said, looking Katniss up and down. "Where'd you learn that in District 12?"

"We have a big bathtub," Katniss responded dryly, and Cress had to keep the smile from her face.

"You must," Finnick continued. "You like the arena?"

"Not particularly, but you both should. They must have it built especially for you." Katniss sounded bitter, and Cress couldn't blame her. The arena did give them a huge advantage, the training center didn't have a pool to learn or anything. A moment of silence passes, and Cress tenses up, ready to let her knife fly if she so much as made a move against Finnick.

"Lucky thing we're allies. Right?" He said, grinning at her wickedly. Cress saw her get ready to fire, and she felt her grip on the knife loosen in preparation. Suddenly, something catches her attention, and Katniss froze. Cress glanced down and saw a gold bracelet gleaming on his wrist. She felt for her hair and pulled out the golden handled thin knife that Sorrel had put in her hair. She looked between the knife and the bracelet, realizing that they were connected somehow.

After a moment of her deliberation, Katniss nodded. "Right." She lowered her bow, and Finnick's grip on his trident tightened.

"Duck," he ordered, and it was no longer his usual seductive tone but one that radiated power and authority, so much so that Katniss ducked without hesitation. His trident sunk into the chest of the male tribute from 5, Cress and Finnick now standing back to back as the tributes began to arrive at the cornucopia. "Don't trust 1 and 2."

Cress and Finnick are a whirlwind of deadly metal as they fend off the incoming tributes, one of Cress' knives finding a new home in a tribute's throat, the female from 6. She took it back and Finnick swung his trident at another, hitting them in the leg and back into the water. The cannon was booming repeatedly as the bloodbath carried on, and Cress took the opportunity to scan the piles for anything of use. She grabbed another bandolier of knives, some throwing stars that she thought looked cool, and a sword as a last resort.

"Do something about that, will you?" Finnick jerked his head at the approaching Brutus, who was using his belt as a sort of shield. Katniss took that on while Cress and Finnick geared up, Brutus eventually rolling back into the water.

"Let's clear out," Katniss said coldly, and Finnick nodded. The other Careers were approaching, and they still had to get Peeta if they wanted Katniss, since Cress would bet her life on the fact that Katniss wouldn't go anywhere without him.

Sure enough, she started sprinting towards Peeta, both Cress and Finnick hot on her heels as they rushed towards him. He was still standing on his metal plate, like he didn't know what to do. As Katniss prepared to go in and get him, Finnick stepped in and stopped her.

The Flying Fish (Exocoetidae)|| Finnick Odair X Fem!OCWhere stories live. Discover now