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"Ferric, today's the day." Cress stretched and started to climb down from her spot on the tree.

"Today?" Ferric follows her down.

"Today." Cress nods, crossing her arms when she gets to the ground. "You're going to lure the Careers, and I'm going to kill them."

"You sure you can handle killing them?" Ferric asks, his brows furrowing.

"Yeah. I'll be fine, don't worry about me, Fer." she gives him a half smile, though it was pretty weak. Ferric doesn't seem convinced, but he lets it go.

"So, what's the plan?" Ferric asks, landing beside her on the ground.

"Still working on it," she sighs. "Let's kill some Careers."

"Lovely," Ferric mutters, following her as she starts walking.

"Fer, look." she points towards where the Careers had been camped out. It was now abandoned, but there was still smoke coming from the fire pit. "They're gone."

"I see that," he says drily. "Where do you think they went?"

"No idea, but if I had to guess I'd say they're hunting us down," she mutters.

"You'd be correct." Both Cress and Ferric whirl around to see Chrysa and Morrel, the District 2 tributes if she recalls correctly, standing there.

"..Fuck," Ferric hisses, quickly loading his harpoon and aiming.

"Double fuck," Cress whispers, pulling out one of her knives.

"Fancy seeing you here." Chrysa smirks, flicking her golden hair. "Honestly, this one is like a bull in a china shop." she points at Ferric with her longer dagger.

"Sorry," Ferric says sheepishly as he glances at Cress.

"It's fine." she waves him off. She'd been prepared for this. For an ambush. That's what she'd done earlier, while Ferric was asleep. She motions for him to run in the direction of her set up trapeze. He gives her an 'are you fucking crazy' look, to which she just rolls her eyes. Morrel starts a stare down with Ferric while Chrysa chooses Cress as her target.

"You're pretty small, you know." Chrysa walks closer to Cress, looking her up and down. "which leads me to wonder how you got a ten. Him, I understand," she points at Ferric. "but you, not so much."

"Guess we'll never know, hm?" Cress stares right back at her. "Your score was, what, a seven? That's not what I would expect from a Career." Chrysa's face reddens, her lips peeling back from her teeth as she bares them.

"That thing was rigged! I deserved a ten!" she exclaims, storming over and pushing her blade against Cress' throat. "I should slit your throat for that insult, sweetheart."

"Good luck," Cress whispers before breaking into a sprint, heading for the woods. Ferric, once he sees her move, follows right after.

"Hey, what- Get back here!" Chrysa and Morrel chase them, following them towards Cress' trap. "Morrel, why didn't you restrain them?"

"Well Chrysa, you didn't restrain them either!" he snaps back.

"Because it was your job, remember?" Chrysa makes an irritated noise between a grunt and a groan. "Whatever, just get them! Then we'll kill Velora and Cliff and split the supplies!"

"Careers," Cress mutters while rolling her eyes. She made a sharp turn around the corner and stopped at the tree where her trapeze was. Once Ferric was safely behind that corner as well, she let it fly.

What she'd done that morning was attach a knife onto her catch bar, which would kill anyone within its path by slicing their throat. Or that was the idea anyway, she had no idea if it would actually work.

The Flying Fish (Exocoetidae)|| Finnick Odair X Fem!OCWhere stories live. Discover now