Melody is on a mission, and that is to figure out what happened to her parents.
Along the way she finds out more secrets that she plans to. Meeting people she never thought she would meet, going to places she would never in her life go, and experie...
"MELODY...MELODY... MELODY ROSE KNIGHT " The older woman yelled, standing impatiently at the bottom of the grand staircase, tapping her expensive shoes on the marble floor.
The young woman sighed deeply hearing her mother call her name multiple times, putting down the new book she was reading, surrounded by idiots, she trudged downstairs.
"Yes Mother" Melody said stoically, seeing her mother fully dressed in a bright red dress with a large black and dark brown fur coat on, Melody assumed her parents were going out.
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(Naomi Campbell as Latoya Knight)
"Come say goodbye to me and your father." Latoya, her mother demanded rather than asked.
"Are you two going on a trip" Melody said confused considering the only time she is demanded to say goodbye is when they are leaving for long periods of time, otherwise they would not think twice in saying anything to their daughter.
"No we are going to dinner I just wanted to you to walk us out" Her mother replied. It was confusing Melody considering she never asked this of her before in all of her 20 years.
"But you never asked me to do that before" She was confused and was trying to understand why her mother seemed to be acting strange. Melody hated being confused always tried to understand things, especially with other people considering she was nothing like most people.
"Always with the questions, Greg I'm ready to go. " Latoya said and both women listened as the man walked out wearing some dark blue slacks and a light blue button up shirt, most likely coming from his office, which he spent most of his time in.
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(Idris Elba as Gregory Knight)
"We was suppose to leave an hour ago you know." Gregory said completely annoyed with the delay which he is sure was due to his wife changing since she had on a whole new outfit.
" I know, Melody said she wanted to walk us out so let's go" Melody obviously knew her mother was lying but like with all her mother's other lies she just went with it. Her father on the other hand looked skeptical since he knew his daughter never does stuff like that, none the less he nodded and went to the closet to grab his coat.