True Intentions

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Melody POV

"Have you ever wonder where your mother came from? Where she was raised? Who her parents were? What her life was like before she met your dad?" My aunt questioned as she continued to walk. I followed behind her thinking of her questions.

Truth was I never did wonder about my mother's life I don't feel like I had a need to. My father would always tell me about his childhood, I never had to ask.

"No. She never talked about it and I didn't ask."

"Well I did. So I did some digging and still didn't get much information. I can go back as far as her freshman year of college and after that it's nothing. I hacked into many data bases and even paid some investigators but there is nothing. It's like your mom's life started her freshman year of college." She explained further and that wasn't really making much sense to me.

"That's impossible she had to have some information before that. She could not have appeared out of nowhere." I knew my aunt was amazing with computers so her getting the information wouldn't have been a problem. So this was very strange.

" I know that and trust me this has been bothering me to. I looked into her college records because they had to have some high school transcripts and medical records. Everything seemed to be forged because the high school that is on her transcripts has no records of her. Same with the medical records." Aunt Bri explained as she looked around our surroundings.

We had found a little hidden area that had some rocks. We climbed them and sat on the top of the highest one. It let us see above the park it was a beautiful view, it also kept their conversation private.

I am happy we are talking about this surrounded by nature because it was making me feel extremely calm. I needed some calming while listening to this.

"Okay so you can't find information on my mother. What does this have to do with me thinking..." I didn't want to say that I thought she wasn't dead because it sound crazy. It makes absolutely no sense.

"You know, me thinking the body I was shown wasn't my mother's. " I guess that sounded better.

"Have you ever saw this woman before?" She asked pulling a picture out of her bag and handing it to me.

I looked at the picture closely and saw my mom and another woman in my kitchen. Something about the lady looked familiar. I thought back for a moment and her face popped up in my mind.

"When I was fourteen, Mother took me out to a lunch with her and this woman showed up. Mother looked really happy to see her and they went outside the restaurant to talk. She didn't really say much to me though." I handed the picture back still not seeing how this was all adding up.

"Let me tell you a little story"

(Brianna POV)

It was early in the morning when I heard a noise coming from downstairs. Me being the light sleeper that I am went to go check out the noise.

I made sure to take my glasses that had a camera built into them, just in case it was an intruder.

As I slowly went down the steps I heard two women in the kitchen as I got closer. Once I heard Latoya voice I stopped in my tracks and listened to what was going on.

" what do you plan to do now Lynn you can't just leave your family. That is the reason we left our old lives behind for us to have families." Latoya whispered. I snuck a little closer to hear better.

"No Davine that's why you left not me. I just wanted to start a new life that had no connections to my old one. I never wanted a family you know this." The mysterious woman spoke, she didn't even bother to whisper like Latoya.

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