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Melody POV

I was looking at the clouds, guessing
what each one was shaped like. The one I was currently staring at looked like a frog with a crown, a frog king.

"Which one has got your attention?" Levi asked taking a seat on the bench next to me.

I ignored his question and continued to gaze at the clouds. I did not want to talk to anybody, and I know he is only trying to get me to talk about what happened yesterday.

"So now your ignoring me?" He asked raising his voice a little.

"What is the problem Melody? I am not understanding why you are upset with me being with Yemoja, you said it was fine."

Why do they think everything has to do with them? It was so irritating that they think my mind revolves around them being together when it is far from it.

"I wish you two would get over yourselves, my issues are much bigger than you two's relationship." I told him.

I turn to see him staring at me, giving me that look everybody does when they are trying to figure me out.

"Levi I am not upset about you and Yemoja, if anything I am happy for you two. I just know you two getting together will cause some change between us and I don't mind getting use to it. There is a lot of other things changing as well that I have to deal with it. I am stressed with trying to do this all at once and would like one day to myself. I don't want to think about anything but enjoying today." I explained to him and he listened intensely.

"Why would anything change between us?" He asked.

It was a dumb question because how can it not change.

"We use to spend all day together doing different stuff and that's how it has been for a while. If you and Yemoja start dating you are going to want to spend your free time with her." It is true because it has already started.

"Melody I will always have time for you"

"I know. I just have to get use to sharing you. For today though I am not going to think about those things and relax my mind. I don't want to be bothered okay?." I wanted it to be known for everyone to leave me alone.

"Okay, I'll let everyone know to not to bother you. If you need anything just let me know okay." I nodded to him

I got up ready to go inside and Levi followed walking beside me silently. We entered the house and I walked to the kitchen, breakfast should be ready by now.

I thought Levi would go upstairs but he walked with me instead. I turned to him and gave him a questionable look.

"What? I am hungry to." He shrugged and continued on.

I shook my head sighing at him. As we got closer to the kitchen we heard light laughing and talking. I guess everybody was up.

Levi was walking in front of me but stopped in the doorway suddenly causing me to bump into him. I was about to ask what his problem was when I looked into the kitchen myself.

There sat Yemoja and Prodije at the table eating some fruit that was laid out. Weirdly enough they were feeding each other. Currently Prodije was placing a grape in Yemojas mouth and she wrapped her mouth around the fruit and her fingers.

I don't know why she would put her finger in her mouth, it was really gross.

"I really hope you two washed your hands because I don't think that is sanitary." I said walking in fully and taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

They both turned to me before turning their attention to Levi. Yemoja held a frown but Prodije was smiling as she licked the same fingers that was just in Yemoja's. I was even more grossed out.

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