Country Road

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Today was the day that I meet my sister. I was not ready for this especially because of how excited Aunt Bri was for this trip. It brought an unfamiliar feeling in me that I never felt before.

I was currently eating breakfast with Levi who strangely hasn't said much to me in the last two days. It was very weird considering he was always talking and joking around.

"Good Morning." Aunt Bri came in with a bright smile, grabbing a plate and filling it with food.

We both gave her a greeting with far less enthusiasm. She gave us both a frown as she sat down and started eating.

"So are you guys packed for the trip?" She asked.

Levi looked at me, probably because I told him we will be back by tonight.

"No need we are only going for the day" I responded and continued to eat .

"What you are only going for one day? Why?"

"I have no reason to stay there once we get her to sign the papers, we will leave right after." I let her know and she didn't seem to like my response.

"You don't even want to get to know your sister?" She asked and we both turned to Levi who dropped his fork.

"You have a sister."

"Half sister, and I have no reason to get to know her." I responded to both of them.

"Melody wow that's great, why would you not want to get to know her? Having siblings is amazing, well when they're not being annoying." He chuckled and aunt Bri did the same.

"Yes Melody I really think you will like her and it's Friday anyway, why don't we stay the weekend." She suggested, I did not want to do it but I had a feeling she would just try to convince me anyway.

This conversation ruined my appetite.

"Fine. Levi pack for a weekend." I told him before walking out of the kitchen.

I was in my room picking out some clothes to pack, which was much harder than it seemed. I had to much stuff out for one weekend, but how am I suppose to know what I will want to wear each day.

A knock came to my door and Levi walked in when I told him to come in.

"Hey you okay?" He asked, and I was happy he was here I needed some help.

"No i dont know how to pack, and I'm not sure where my suitcase is." I huffed out.

It seems everything wasn't going my way these days. This shouldn't have come as a surprise thrown.

"Well I think their is a closet full of suitcases right next to my room, and I can help you pack. It's fall but should still be pretty warm in North Carolina." He said starting to go through my stuff.

"Have you been there before?" I asked.

"Yeah I was stationed there when I first started in the marines." He answered and I nodded.

While he started picking up stuff and throwing them into two different piles, I decided to go get the suitcase.

I walked to to the end of the hall where his room was and checked the closet next to it. Just as he said it was full of suitcases all different sizes and colors. I picked a medium size purple one and rolled it back to my room.

When I got back in my room Levi was folding some clothes so I brought the suitcase to my bed. I opened it up and started placing the already folded clothes inside.

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