Three is a party

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Melody POV

"I sure did miss your annoying ass" Aunt Bri replied to the girl before they gave each other a hug.

They released each other and walked into the house fully. Prodije took a look around the house nodding her head.

"Cool place, a little fancy for my liking but it's nice." The girl said before turning her attention to me.

She let out a whistle while circling around me, looking me up and down.

"One nobody asked for your opinion, and two stop eye fucking my niece I told you she is off limits. It's not like she would want you anyway." Aunt Bri said to the girl who just sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes.

"You so damn rude. I already know she is off limits I can't help but to admire her beauty, and that booty." She said giving me a wink, which had me taken aback.

"Cut it out Prodije(prod-eh-jay). Did you bring all the stuff?" Aunt Bri asked.

I was confused weather her name was Prodije or that is just what she calls her.

"Is that your real name?" I asked and she rolled her eyes at the question.

"Yes it is my parents was on crack when they named me." I let out a disapproving sound at that response causing her let out a loud laugh.

"Im just fucking with you. I was able to bring most of the systems but I had to ship what couldn't fit in my car."

"Okay great I'm going to start getting the stuff out your car, Melody can you show her where the strongest  router in the house is. Depending on where it's at you can decide how you will set everything up." Before I could tell her I have no idea where the router was, she was already walking out the door.

"I don't know where the router is but I'm sure Levi should know." I told Prodije and motioned her to follow me upstairs to his room. He was most likely sleep considering it was very late a night almost twelve in the morning.

I don't think he would mind helping though, i have woken him up plenty of times for random things.

"The bodyguard?" She asked causing me to wonder how she knew who he was.

" How do you know that?"

"Brianna kept tabs on you and everybody around you. I helped her keep track of this stuff so I know these things as well." She let me know and I was very wary about that.

"What other things do you know?" I don't like the idea of someone knowing things about me that I didn't tell them.

"Nothing special honestly, you didn't have the most exciting life. It is actually sad and depressing when I think about it. Hey I actually had a question, I know you use to dance, why did you stop? Brianna and I have very different theories on why."

I blanked at her question, I haven't thought about dancing for years and it was best I left those thoughts in the furthest part of my mind.

"That is non of your concern." I told her and she held her hands up with a shrug of her shoulder.

"Didn't mean to hit a nerve, my bad."she did hit a deep nerve but she didn't know so I would not hold that against her.

I continued to Levi room and I heard music coming from his room. The closer we got the louder the music was.

I gave a knock to his door once we reached it. There was no answer so I knocked harder hoping he would hear.

"He probably can't hear , you know cause the music." She said.

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