Rags to Riches

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Melody POV

"What would I be signing?" Yemoja asked suspiciously.

"Father left you some money in his will. In order for you to receive the money you have to sign some papers, that way everything can be filed." I told her and she seemed shock.

"Oh okay that was sweet of him to think about me." She questioned.

"I guess, but the acoustics has about 11 million-." I started to say.

She gasped and looked at me with disbelief. She was holding her hand to her chest and the other hand seemed to be shaking slightly.

'What's wrong with her?'

"Umm are you okay?" I asked and she shook her head no.

"So your not okay ?" I was unsure with how to proceed.

She sat like that for about five minutes and I let her. Thinking about it she is probably shocked at the amount she would be receiving.

"I can't believe God is blessing me like this right now." I don't see what God has to do with it, father is the one that left her the money.

"Oh my gosh Mel I just want to give you a huge hug for delivering me this blessing." She said looking at me with watery eyes.

"Please don't." This caused her to laugh as she wiped the tears away .

"Don't worry I'm not. It's just this is so amazing, on my way home I was stuck trying to figure out how everything was going to be payed because I lost my job today. I thought we was going to have to struggle again and I didn't want that, I prayed for a miracle I didn't think it would come so fast." She said with a smile.

She was very religious it seems, I didn't care to much for the aspects of it. Most religions involve believing in a God or Gods nobody has ever really seen before and following beliefs that was made up by other people. Everything about it just wasn't for me.

Yemoja got up and walked  out the gazebo standing outside looking up at the sky. I don't know why she was doing that but I left her alone while she did it.

Once she was done with whatever she was doing she walked back into the gazebo.

"I was just saying a little thank you prayer. Why don't we go back to the house, my mama is probably worried." She said and I nodded getting up.

We started walking back to the house, up ahead stood Levi waiting for us.

"Do you and Levi have something going on?" She asked me, and I just let out a heavy sigh. I am tired of being asked this.

"No we don't. He protects me which is his job, plus I don't feel romantic feelings for others." I told her, it seems she likes Levi and he seems to find her attractive so that could definitely work out for them.

"What do you mean, you never had a boyfriend or a crush on someone?" She stopped turning to me.

"Well I never thought about anything romantic before to be honest. I just read up on it a couple of days ago when aunt Bri asked me the same thing. When she asked it made me realize I didn't know much about the subject. The more information I read the more understand that I never felt that way about anybody." I confessed looking towards Levi who was leaning on a fence waiting.

"I can understand not having true feelings for anybody because you are still young, but in school you never thought anybody was cute or anything?" I didn't understand why she seemed so intrigued in my lack of feelings .

"I was home schooled and the only time I was around kids my age was when I was forced to go to whatever event my parents decided to drag me to. Those kids most of the time were horrible and I disliked them very much. I can acknowledge someone being good looking, like you and Levi are both gorgeous, it's just that I don't feel attraction towards anybody. I think the word for my sexuality is asexual." I explained to her and she seemed to be listening intensely.

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