December 17, 2022

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Thank you everyone. 

December 17, 2022

Still on my way home, despite all the confusion in my mind, I texted Carina. A simple, trite, detached and somewhat cold "Thank you for the number - Maya." to which she responded immediately. From that moment I spent about 12 hours staring at my cell phone screen undecided whether or not to write to her. I tried to make a list of pros and cons, but still I could not come to a decision. In the end she took me out of the stalemate herself, asking if she could talk to me, maybe over coffee. Yesterday I had a 24-hour shift, but I gave her an appointment this morning anyway, as soon as I would be off, taking advantage of her day off. I chose the café, a typical Italian coffee shop, which, however, has nothing to do with the tourist: the owners are two Sicilian emigrants, Carina's countrymen. It is a place I have been frequenting for a long time, because if there is one thing that has always stayed with me about Carina, it is her boundless love for her land, which is so strong that it has become a bit of a passion of mine.

I arrived early, of course, and now every "drin" of the door makes me jump for air. I have already ordered espresso and croissants for both of us, I hope I still remember her order: hot espresso, strictly black, no sugar, and with an accompanying empty butter croissant. The croissants are already on the table in front of me and I am having a super hard time holding back, while I have instructed Laura to bring me coffees only when she sees "my date" sitting in front of me.

I absentmindedly check my work email to try to keep myself busy, and so I miss Carina's entrance into the café, accompanied, however, by her incomparable perfume. When I lift my head, I am surprised to find her already standing beside me, a smile on her lips.

C < hello..> she only says, before leaning over me and leaving a kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes at the contact of her lips on my skin and cast my mind back in time. I am reminded of the time I took such a hard hit on my eye: after running like crazy to reach the base, my helmet had come off and she spent the whole evening with me, icing me and leaving regular kisses on my forehead. I am reminded of the time she surprised me with a picnic in the park, we were just starting out and Carina was still ashamed to take the initiative and kiss me in public, so she just brushed my forehead.

C < are you okay? > she wakes me up from my daydream, then sitting down across from me. I nod and am surprised, though I know I shouldn't be, by Laura, who promptly places our coffees in front of us.

Carina looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I smile at her, extending her croissant.

M < hot black coffee and croissant? >

C < yes, like..>

M < like the song..> I interrupt her and she nods. < caffè nero bollente..> I surprised her, naming the song.

C < how did you find this place?> she asks me, looking around. She tastes her coffee, closing her eyes, and when a small moan escapes her lips, I know I made the right choice.

M < I've been circling for a long time..> I admit.

C < your colleagues have pointed out that you have a passion for Italy on several occasions..> she refers to the many teases I receive daily when she is also in the station.

M < they think I have been in love with an Italian..> I joke.

C < ah yes?> and I know she's just joking too, but for a moment I'm reminded of the nervousness I had on me the other night.

M < I don't know, she seems to have forgotten about me and getting to know me though!> Carina opens her mouth, then catches my more serious tone and looks at me strangely.

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