November 23, 2023 - Thanksgiving Day

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Thank you everyone!Have a nice weekend 

I am sitting on an ER gurney, but in a much better situation than everyone else there. I was on ambulance duty today and was injured trying to sedate a madman who was drunkenly wandering around a park, disturbing the peace of those present, somewhat brave given today's weather, who were trying to enjoy a family day out. Actually, the word injury is definitely exaggerated: in his inebriated state, this gentleman was walking around with a broken glass bottle, and the moment Ben and I tried to stop him, he began to scuffle and the shard of his bottle injured first my jacket and then my forehead. It is little more than a superficial cut, so much so that Ben and I moved independently, on our own legs, even leaving the ambulance at the Station, but by protocol we obviously both ended up in the ER: the response was that I only needed a few stitches and a disinfectant.

This time, however, I tried to learn from my mistakes and immediately notified Carina. She is also at work, but we should meet in an hour or so at the station. She finishes her shift just before lunch and we, the A-shift guys, while on duty, will try to enjoy lunch with our family circle as much as possible, as we do every year. What I did not foresee was Carina dropping everything in her hospital and running to this hospital.

She makes her entrance at the exact moment that Amber laughs at a joke of mine, and in doing so she leans forward slightly, brushing against my knee. The first thing Carina does is glare at the nurse, before she makes her way over and stands in front of me, examining me like a museum piece.

M < Carina!> I almost groan. My attention shifts for a moment to the hurried footsteps I hear on the other side of the curtain separating Ben and me, and to the imperious voice of Miranda, who is probably pouncing on her husband.

M < you didn't have to run all the way here...I'm perfectly fine!> I exclaim, returning my attention to Carina and grabbing her hands.

C < last time you said that, you were absent from work and on crutches for a month..> I devote a grimace to the memory.

M < now it's really just a scratch. As I wrote to you..> I point out. Carina studies me again, while Amber decides to stop staring at us and move into action. She asks Carina to move slightly so she can finish stitching me up.

C < or you can move over and I'll finish..> Carina proposes with some dislike, to the point that I feel embarrassed and apologize to Amber.

M < she's a doctor..> I say and Carina nods vigorously, peeling off her jacket and showing that she still has coat and scrubs underneath. Amber leaves, still a bit puzzled, and Miranda emerges from the curtain, asking if everything is really all right. I take the opportunity to ask Ben to let Stephanie know, that we won't need a ride to the station again, when we'll just finish here.

C < are you so well and still needed a ride from Stephanie?> Carina asks, placing herself between my legs, to really finish the nurse's work. I barely smile, placing two hands on her hips and squeezing her.

M < to what do I owe the honor of these jealousy scenes?> I ask, getting straight to the point. Carina stops in mid-air and glares at me.

C < ever since you spent two days whining about how unfair you found it that I had slept half naked with another woman, Camille, it seems to me that we had decided not to hold jealousies against each other anymore..> and she says it so earnestly that it almost causes the opposite effect by making me laugh.

M < well, sometimes it can be fun..> I joke.

C < love..> she says taking a sigh. < I would like to point out that I am the one "armed" right now..> I laugh.

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