July 04, 2023 - Independence Day

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Thank you everyone!

July 04, 2023 – Independence Day

Today extraordinarily none of us are working and it is so extraordinary that I have never had this day off since the Academy. Despite this, we still decided with my friends-colleagues to spend this holiday together. In particular we chose to meet at the park, have a picnic that counts as dinner, spend a few hours together with a beer and a ball, waiting for the darkness of the evening to watch the fireworks together. Someone arrived at the site a bit early, with the idea of taking the best seats in anticipation of precisely the evening fireworks, but I took the opportunity instead to go to the gym to work out a bit and to clean the house.

The first person who catches my eye, once I spot my group, is, of course, Carina. My steps move instinctively toward her, but my rationality leads me to stop a moment before I reach her.

It's been about ten days since we've heard from or seen each other, and until now I've had my doubts that she was really showing up. I'm also surprised because we had asked Ben to invite his wife and some of his colleagues, but everyone, except Jackson who in fact is here with us, was on call. Apparently Carina is also free from work instead. My eyes fall for a moment on Jackson, who is having an impromptu basketball game (I roll my eyes at the thought that they have obviously chosen the spot closest to the concrete) with along with some boys, some known and some not. Among them I catch a glimpse of Theo and immediately divert my worried gaze to Vic, who instead is already drinking a beer, sitting on the floor on a towel, laughing merrily. I sigh and wonder why they, despite their history, manage to coexist in the same place and live in a cordial and serene atmosphere, while Carina and I fail to do justice to our relationship.

Dean approaches me and unknowingly takes me out of a bind, asking me if I prefer beer or if I'd rather join him and play with the others. I ponder this for a moment, before throwing my backpack on the ground and running with him onto the basketball court, joining in this impromptu game. Before I become aware of the teams and the game I cast one more eye toward Carina, and as if she expected this move of mine I realize that she is staring back at me. I sigh and in an instant I have the ball in my hand, forcing myself into the game.

Flashback to June 23, 2023

It's Friday night and I'm waiting for Carina under her house to go to Andy's party together: it's her birthday and she, who usually likes to celebrate and go big, this time chose to celebrate among a few intimates. When I was told about the choice I was finally happy, because I assumed a dinner, a home evening, a quiet outing and instead by "a few intimates" she simply meant the number of guests, but the chosen location is a Latin-American music venue. Andy never hides her Puerto Rican origins and several times she finds herself starring in some evening or party, while giving salsa lessons or getting busy, dancing, with the professionals of the club where we are.

For tonight I fear the same effect, as I continue to feel like the usual fish out of water.

C < hello!> exclaims Carina, barely startling me and getting into the car. In a burst of affection she reaches out to me and kisses me on the cheek. < ready? > she asks me, already with a smirk on her lips.

M < ready at the end of the evening, that is..> I joke and she rolls her eyes.

In fact, the drive to the club remains the highlight of the evening, because for the past two hours I have done nothing but drink and avoid overly explicit contact from Michelle, who is obviously included in the guest list.

Carina, for her part, got pulled into the dance floor almost immediately and is almost putting on a show, moving perfectly at ease with the environment. I spent a lot of time staring at her and wondering how it is possible that she is really capable of doing everything.

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