August 20, 2023 - Skopelos, Greece

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Happy Friday to everyone!

August 20, 2023 - Skopelos, Greece

I never imagined that for the second time in my life I could experience the feeling of happiness and well-being in staying in bed all day with Carina, making love. We definitely have backlogs to catch up on, but the most beautiful part is another. My favorite part is the complicity that comes with it. Those who look at us from the outside, for example Andy, always pointed out how from the first moment we saw each other again, last Thanksgiving, it was noticeable that we were not complete strangers. I never understood from what it could be guessed, Andy speaks of "an obvious complicity," the fact remains that it never seemed so striking to me. After finally making love with Carina all the complicity that others have always talked about has finally become apparent again to my eyes: it is an intimacy, something that I cannot actually explain in words, but that I can see in the gestures, that I feel in the physical closeness between us. It is as if the atmosphere around us has taken on a different color, with new tastes and new smells.

After spending practically the entire day yesterday in bed, with the exception of a small outing at sunset, today we decided to power through and go to the beach. I immediately regretted the choice, because Carina spends most of her time in the water, complaining about the high temperatures, whereas I don't like to soak so much. However, this leads to the inevitable consequence of being physically distant and almost causes me physical pain. To avoid being so melodramatic, at some point, I decided to take a walk nearby and that's how I came up with the idea for tonight.

Carina has organized so much for me: she came up with the idea for the vacation, arranged our lodging here, even paid for the airline flights, refusing any contribution from me. Carina is the only person in my life with whom I can accept that there is an exchange, even a material one, that is not so fair: I think it stems from the realization that she and I complement each other and that therefore in every sphere, practical or not, where I do not arrive, she arrives and vice versa.

For tonight then I wanted to do her a thought and organized for the two of us this wine tasting, at a winery a few miles from our lodging. I rented a scooter and then at sunset time I surprisingly loaded her into the saddle and drove her there. The overall atmosphere is magical: there are crickets singing, there is the setting sun, the warm evening air approaching, many glasses of wine at our disposal, with an accompanying cheese board, honey and figs. Carina seems to have liked the idea, so much so that she has been repeating for half an hour that she is having a culinary orgasm. Our time apart is over, however, because after spending some time facing each other at the small table to which we have been assigned, Carina gets up and moves her chair next to mine. I look at her curiously and she smiles mischievously at me as she sits down and then lifts her legs, resting them on my lap; she leans forward and kisses my cheek, her lips still sticky with honey. I smile and by instinct I turn and kiss her mouth.

C < thank you..> she whispers almost dreamily.

M < for what?> I look at her curiously.

C < for bringing me's beautiful..> I smile, pleased with myself.

M < I knew I couldn't go wrong with wine..!> I exclaim and she shakes her head, laughing.

C < I would have been satisfied with your company..> she sighs, resting her head on my shoulder. I joke, teasing her about her sappiness, and soon, unfortunately, our time for sightseeing and tasting runs out.

Accompanying Carina out of this winery is an adventure, because she has not only tasted and sampled the wines, but has literally drained her glasses. Result: she's a little tipsy, tending toward drunkenness.
M < will you be able to hold on to me on the scooter?> I ask laughing. I hold Carina under my arm, and when she laughs she does it so loudly that it almost throws me off balance. I have to use some strength to hold her up, but those who see us from the outside surely recognize us as a happy, carefree couple.

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