April 06, 2028

133 5 0

Hello everyone!
I'm posting a new chapter today because I won't be able to post anything on Friday, I'll finally be on vacation!
See you again next Friday 
ps. please pay attention to the date, i.e. chapter title. we are moving in time from the last two chapters... 😉

Through the open French doors overlooking the garden comes a fresh spring air. I feel as if I have been living for a year in a vacuum and now I marvel at everything, which had always seemed normal to me before: the little flowers beginning to fill the meadows, the herbs filling my vegetable garden, the birds singing, the sun warming my skin. At last my mood seems to have tuned in to the good days, and there are more times when a smile is on my face than those when the shadows gloom everything. Yesterday I entered, after more than a year, the kitchen in the Station to eat together with my team and for a moment still it hurt to feel everyone's astonished gaze on me; it hurt to see them move in slow motion as if they were afraid of triggering some uncontrollable reaction of mine. Even their conversations I realized were mostly trivial and light, to avoid running into possible mistakes with me. Slowly, however, the mood seemed to be calming down even among them, especially after I mustered up the courage to apologize for my behavior throughout this past year with them as well.

I don't know how long it has been since I spent a day off at home. In this year I have always tried to find loopholes, to avoid idle hours at home as much as possible, and rather I would only show up when there was something organized, on which my anger could climb like ivy and on which my thoughts could cling, without giving me a moment's respite.

Knowing that I will spend my lunch break on this day off together with Carina lifts my mood even more. I am just finishing preparing a simple mixed salad when I hear the keys turn in the keyhole and Carina make her entrance into the house.

C < ciao amore!> she exclaims, shouting from the doorway. The smile on my face grows wider and wider: I quickly wipe my hands dry and stride over to her. I immediately wrap my arms around her, kissing her. Carina laughs, throwing her head back, before squeezing me in turn and returning my kiss.

M < I've missed you..> I whisper and it's true. It has been a little less than five hours since we last saw each other, before she and Lucia left home to reach their respective destinations, but I felt all her absence. Indeed, their absence.

C < it's a pleasure to come home and find you here..> Carina reciprocates, kissing me again.

For a moment I think of the table set and the salad waiting for us, but it is certainly no more enticing than the idea of having Carina naked in my arms. I don't even know how much time she has: the synchronization of our calendars is still a bit iffy, but that's the least of my thoughts at present.

Without using any more words, therefore, I push Carina against the wall and move my kisses from her mouth to her neck, leaving free exploration for my hands. Carina is wearing a light denim jacket that soon ends up on the floor to keep my T-shirt company. After a year spent on different frequencies, Carina and I finally seem more than synchronized in everything. I quickly open her blouse, resisting with difficulty the temptation to rip it open by ripping off her buttons, and immediately pounce with my lips on her skin, in the middle of her breasts, grasping with my hands all the tissues I encounter to pull them away. Carina's hands sleep in my hair and hearing her already labored breathing is fuel on the fire of my passion.

C < amore, wait..> her voice says, however. I pull away from her, a little puzzled, and realize my breathing is equally labored.

C < not here..> she just says, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me through the house. I don't know which way Carina wants to go, because after a few steps I am drawn again by an irresistible force and slam her back against the wall, making a small cabinet wobble in the wrong place at the wrong time. Carina barely moans, but gives in to my increasingly insistent kisses on her neck and my increasingly curious hands that are already unbuttoning her pants. I can feel her hands fidgeting against me, some clinging to my bottom, some looking for ways to pull down the pants of the sweatpants I'm wearing. I laugh at this discombobulated situation we are in, but I don't have time to think about my pants when my mouth is busy taking some of her skin between my teeth and then moving to suck on a nipple. Carina presses herself harder against the wall, arching her back and enjoying this impromptu passion. My hand meanwhile slides over her abdomen and creeps inside her pants.

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