March 27, 2023

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Thanks to those who are still here reading. Have a good week everyone!

March 27, 2023

Our captain has always been a rather reserved man, who has never cared too much about team spirit, let alone the famous group activities that create bonding and complicity. He also doesn't care about results, response times to calls, the silly competitions that sometimes that they have with other stations. He is a quiet guy, who only cares that at the end of the shift everyone can go home to the people they love, safe and sound. Lately, though, he must have been getting a little pressure from upstairs, because he's been pushing us to be faster and more responsive in emergency situations, he's been asking us to think of some project to put together to help the community and the territory, and most of all he's trying to socialize with us, much more than before.

Somewhat surprisingly, then, an invitation came to everyone for his birthday, a simple beer to drink in company at his home, with an invitation open to all the "collaterals" of the station, so family and close friends. None of us had ever been to the captain's house, and we were all amazed to find ourselves in front of a mansion, with a swimming pool, basketball court, barbecue, wood-burning oven, fireplace in the living room, and a mega TV of I don't know how many inches. Of a wife not even a shadow, but there is a blond woman hanging around him and I still haven't figured out who she is.

I try to stand back, as I always do on these occasions, but I spend most of my time occupied in two main actions: waiting for Carina to come through the door and running away from Michelle's clutches.

T < why are you running away?> Travis asks me from behind, startling me. He laughs like crazy, partly because one more step and I would have ended up in the pool.

M < I'm not running away..> I deny and he nods, looking at me with his usual irreverent grimace.

T < ask me the question you'd like to ask me but you feel is too inappropriate..> he says, winking at me. I look at him then give in, immediately.

M < do you know if Carina is coming?>

T < you don't know?> he asks wryly, making me think that perhaps our proximity has not escaped the gaze of others. < anyway she should. I don't know anything, but Luke said she was fact, he was trying to figure out which room to take her to..> he says, as in reaction I squeeze the beer tighter in my hands, to the point that it warps the can. If Travis notices this he is kind enough not to say anything.

T < why do you think a beautiful, intelligent girl like her gets treated as a sex object by someone like him?> I just smile, happy that I'm not the only one who thinks so.

M < I'd like to know that too..>

T < take advantage of your friendship and try to make her understand, please. It's endearing to me...> I sigh.

M < it's a little more complicated than that...> I admit. Travis and I are not great friends, outside of the station, but he is one of the people with whom I have been able to have the deepest conversations I have ever had in my life, despite the fact that on the surface he is someone who is always smiling and always has a joke ready. We have more in common than it seems, which often scares us, and sometimes it's fruitful and safe to talk to him.

T < I know. That's why you should take advantage of it...>

M < I don't feel able to..>

T < or are you afraid?>

M < even?> I just smile.

T < you know how I feel about great love...that there is only one and you should not let it slip away...>

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