February 24, 2023 - Escondido Canyon Park

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Thank you so much for reading. 
I know sometimes this kind of slow burn can be perceived as boring: I respect every opinion, but I also ask you all to give me some trust. 

I remember you all that italics means flashback. 

SPOILER - WARNING: I don't know if I really have to give you a warning, but in this chapter there is sex between a major character and a minor character (I mean.. not between Maya and Carina😅) 

Till next Friday!

February 24, 2023 – Escondido Canyon Park

The temperatures are not really spring yet, but you can safely start to run only with a sweatshirt, so, together with Vic and Andy we decided to get our "girls' days" back on track. Those that during the winter are table games evening or evenings in some bar only for women, from spring onwards we take advantage of our days off to go hiking around the surroundings of Los Angeles. Sometimes we choose more demanding routes, for my joy, but often in reality we are satisfied just to grind km in plain, in short the important thing is to move. Today we chose an excursion not too difficult, because my two best friends decided to invite Carina. I had my doubts, because I continue to feel a strange ambivalence towards her: on the one hand I love the fact that we have such an intense relationship, but I like to think that it is only our thing, and the fact that today there are also other people with us, It only gives life to a feeling of embarrassment. In the eyes of others she is always just Luke's girlfriend with whom everyone, no one excluded, have just found an immediate harmony and a pleasant company. Not for me. It will never be like this for me.

To this is added the fact that today will probably not be at all our best day, because it is since I picked her up in the car from her house that Carina practically does not talk to me and keeps me sulking, without me knowing why. The situation remained tense even when we went to pick up Andy from her house, and then slightly dissolved when we completed the quartet with Vic.

Immediately after I have parked, I flight down from the car and open the trunk, so that everyone can take their backpack, with water and supplies for the day. We will make a simple tour, there is a path traced inside the Canyon that leads to the waterfalls, where we will stop to eat a sandwich, before going back. I grab my backpack and by instinct, for gallantry, I also take Carina's one to pass it to her, but she almost immediately snatches it from me, leaving me stunned. She doesn't talk to me and walks in front of me, with Vic.

A < what did you do to her?> Andy whispers to me, holding me by the arm, but I shrug.

M < I don't know! Everything was normal until last night!> I defend myself. Andy looks at me perplexed, but she gets distracted by Vic's chatter: it seems they have found a common topic in the kitchen today and I follow them without a word.

After not even a quarter of an hour of road, Carina has red knobs and sweaty hair stuck to the face, beginning to slow down considerably: now she is silent, but to save her breath, not because she hates me. She stops for a moment, hands on her hips and I can not help but observe her: I slowed down too, to close the group, or maybe to have the opportunity to be closer to her. This gives me a perfect view of her slim and slender body, her long neck that can be seen perfectly thanks to her ponytail, her legs perfectly wrapped in her black leggings.

C < stop looking at my ass!> she hisses when I reach her. I smile, pretending innocence.

M < here, drink...> I say instead, offering her a bottle of water. She doesn't grab it, but she does to take off her backpack.

C < I have it, thank you! > she says sour. I lift my eyes to the sky and I remain motionless to hand her the bottle. Carina notices my determination, because in turn she looks up at the sky and finally takes it.

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