August 27, 2023 - Maya's House, LA

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Thank you so much to those who are still here reading me!

See you next Friday!

August 27, 2023 – Maya's House, LA

To say that I went back to work after returning from vacation with a bang is an understatement. Apart from starting with a 48-hour shift, which now weighs relatively heavy on me because I am used to it, but it had its share of heaviness due to the sadness of not being able to see Carina for that long. Above all, however, the real bang was me getting injured.

Sprained ankle, four to five weeks out. Fortunately, after the first three days when total rest was prescribed, also because of a minor shoulder bump, I will be able to return to the Station for office work. I am not a big fan of it at all, but at least I will be able to avoid going crazy at home. For now, the cause of my going crazy may very well be Vic and Andy, who, after picking me up from the hospital where they promptly treated me and bandaged my foot, prescribing painkillers and whatnot, decided to settle in my living room. I feel no pain, but I feel that I need a moment's pause, silence and rest.

I waited a moment before notifying Carina, both to really understand what the extent of my injury was and to avoid unnecessarily frightening her, and because I knew she was working and just didn't want her to rush to conclusions when unnecessary. I notified her as soon as I got the go-ahead to go home from the hospital, with crutches under my arm and a bag of medicines for every need. Since then, about three hours ago, it has been a continuous barrage of messages and recommendations mixed with scolding as to why I had not let her know sooner. I tried to calm her down, but that didn't stop her from breaking into my house as soon as her shift was over.

Already from the anxious and urgent strumming of the doorbell I knew it might be her, but I feigned surprise, letting Vic take charge of the reception of what to my friends could be any guest. Within moments of the door opening in the hallway of my house resounded Carina's firm, slick heels, which must have run over Vic without even saying goodbye. In a flash Carina rushes in front of me and from her gaze I can catch all the worry and agitation that has filled her these past few hours.

M < hey..> I whisper looking her in the face as she stops a few steps away from me. I am sitting on the couch with my ankle on the coffee table in front of me, and Carina is literally in the middle of the living room, arms along her sides and looking shocked. I quickly drop my gaze behind her to catch the surprised, sly faces of Vic and Andy, before turning back to look at Carina.

M < I'm fine..> I state trying to convey confidence to her. At that point Carina's eyes instantly fill with tears and before I can do anything else, I have her all over me. It is an uncomfortable hug that I cannot even respond to, such is the vehemence, but I am especially taken aback when she pulls away from me slightly, grabs my face in her hands and prints a kiss on my mouth. I open my eyes wide in surprise, but the feeling of having her lips on mine again after two and a half days I realize may be the best soother in the world.

C < you gave me a heart attack!> she exclaims, almost whimpering. In a hurry she then gets up, throws her bag on the floor by the couch and begins to look around, hands in her hair. From there it's an endless list of words, in which all I can make out is that she asks me how I've arranged dinner, how many days I'll be home now, "please tell me what happened", before running to the kitchen in search of ice. I think. She spoke so fast that I had my doubts she was speaking in a narrow Sicilian dialect. When she returns to the living room, not only does she find me with a wry smile on my face, but more importantly she suddenly seems to realize the presence of my friends, who stare at her open-mouthed, but for me knowing them well I know they are trying to resist the temptation to laugh out loud.

C < what is it? > Carina suddenly asks and then looks at me. < why are you all silent?> I smile.

M < I think you've broken them..> I joke.

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