019 | deep end

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deep end   ━━━━━



𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐃 as Wynn ran through the desolate city.

Part of a wrought iron fence poked through the remains of what once was a stone house. Green vines were caked with dust, and sirens echoed distantly. Ruins all around.

"We don't have much time left, General. We need to get these people evacuated," Commander Blitz said through the com link attached to her wrist.

Wynn slowed her pace and turned to face Li-Mei. In the com, she asked, "Has Silvia returned yet?"


Li-Mei visibly relaxed with relief at knowing her Master was safe. They had gotten separated from Silvia on the eastern end of the city where they had been looking for any stragglers before they left the surface of the planet. Silvia was more than capable of handling herself, but it was a dangerous time to be alone.

"Blitz, I need you to stay with the shuttle. Give the final call to send the rest of the ships into the atmosphere. We're almost back."

"'Course, General," the clone commander answered. "Just hurry."

Another wave of thunder echoed in the gray-green clouds above them. The rain had held off for the day, but it would begin to storm soon.

"What is it that we're looking for?" Li-Mei finally asked as they continued on, weaving their way through the rubble of once-beautiful gardens.

"I'm not entirely sure," Wynn admitted. "But I think we're about to find out."

As they climbed over a broken stone wall into what once was the yard of a hulking greenhouse, she spotted them. Two children were huddled up against each other under an ornate bench.

"Hi," Wynn said gently. "Are you two alright?"

The older-looking girl nodded her head. Tears stained tracks down her cheeks. "We got lost," she sniffled. "My brother and I. We were with our parents and then we turned down the wrong way. I don't know where they are, everyone is gone."

"That's alright. Your parents are safe. If you come with us, we can take you to them."

Li-Mei nodded enthusiastically. Wynn knew the young girl was getting antsy; if they took any longer, they too would become part of the rubble.

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