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parallels   ━━━━━



BEYOND THEIR central command station sat a long-empty building that was given a new purpose as their lookout tower. Once Obi-Wan and Wynn reached the fourth floor, it was far easier to see the two paths the droid army would try and use to get behind their lines. One was a direct route that their cannons were stationed at the end of, but the trickier thing would be the rogue droids that could sneak in along the side.

Wynn stood with her hands balanced on the railing, oddly at ease. Her white hair was getting longer, and the white braid now reached past the shoulder plate of her slate gray armor. Small strands blew across her cheeks in the breeze.

Obi-Wan stared at her a second too long before speaking again. "I almost hate to ask, but what is the emergency that we needed to return to the Temple for?"

"Jabba the Hutt's son was kidnapped."

"Very funny."

She shook her head. "I'm not kidding. Chancellor Palpatine is convinced that it must be a Jedi to rescue the child. He asked Windu to use as many Jedi as could be spared. As soon as we're done on Christophsis our next assignment is to find a baby Hutt."

Obi-Wan gritted his teeth. "A baby–? That's absolutely ridiculous." The smell of acrid smoke still filled the air around them; they weren't even close to finished on Christophsis.

"The Chancellor is meddling again. It's all in the name of putting on a good show, proving that the Jedi are aligned with the Hutts so we can keep using their shipping lanes. Nevermind that the Hutts are known slavers."

"I hate politicians," he muttered.

Up here, he could breathe again. Briefly, everything felt as far away as it looked. The past months had been an onerous task. No one had been prepared for what it meant to go to war, and he was well and truly exhausted from it. He was also very aware that he and Wynn were completely alone for maybe the first time since Geonosis. They saw each other often now, more than they had in years, but it was always in the company of others. It was partially the nature of their roles, but he knew that he had sometimes intentionally avoided being left alone with her. It made things easier, he supposed. There was no danger of thinking about what might be.

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