48 and 60-Mackenzie and Levi Home and Away

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The waves crashed against their feet while the rays beat down on their Olive skin. It was the perfect day by the ocean until Mack heard the laughter of someone she was trying to forget, Logan.
"You ok" Levi placed a caring hand on her shoulder
She could feel Logan's eyes burning into her back.
"I'm sorry"
"For what" before he could get more words out Mack pulled him closer to her and capturing his lips unto hers. He kissed her back liking the feeling of her lips on his.they only separated when a coughing sound broke them apart
"Logan, what are you doing back in town" Mack asked masking her feelings
"I've come back to visit some family and friends for the holidays."
She nodded before speaking again "sorry I was being rude Logan this is Levi my boyfriend"
"It's nice to meet you man" he stuck his hand out waiting for the other man to shake it. While trying to mask the surprise of Mack calling him her boyfriend. Logan huffed off like a toddler having a tantrum.
"So Boyfriend uhh"
"Sorry, I just needed a reason for Logan to leave me alone. He really hurt me last time he was here and I can't go through that again" Mack felt like she couldn't breathe after each words. She felt the heat lacing her skin and her heart thumping
"Mack, breathe in and out, in and out,in and out."
She followed his directions and felt her heart rate go down. Levi pulled her into his arms letting her feel safe in the autos of his scent
"Thanks Levi"
"Your welcome Mack"
"And thank you for not being mad about the whole kiss thing and pretending to be your boyfriend"
"No worries about that Mack, I'm just glad I could be of service to you" she lightly burned her lips onto to his cheek marking in him in his soul as hers.

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