3. What Happens Now?

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2:46am, 27th December 2012 - London

Taylor shot bolt up right in bed, Harry sleeping peacefully next to her. Something wasn't right. She ran her hand over her small bump, feeling a stabbing pain in her lower stomach. She whimpered slightly, swinging her legs out of the bed, sitting on the edge. She felt the pain again, this time almost crying. Harry's head rose up out his pillow.

"Taylor?" He said crawling over the bed to be next to her. Tears were beginning to form as she sat clutching onto her bump.

"Harry...something's wrong" she could barely speak through worry and the pain she was experiencing. Harry immediately jumped out of bed turning on the light, to his horror, he saw blood all over the bed sheets where Taylor had been lying. His face turned white but he tried to remain calm so he wouldn't alarm Taylor any more than she already was. He crouched down in front over her, his eyes wide with panic, holding onto her face.

"Listen to me, I'm going to call the hospital okay, stay here, don't move"

He grabbed his phone dialling 999, running to the kitchen so Taylor wouldn't hear him.

"999 what is your emergency..."

"It's my girlfriend, she's pregnant...erm...there's blood, I don't know what to do"

He paced around the kitchen, his free hand in his hair. Almost crying as he heard Taylor's cries come from the bedroom. Once the ambulance was on it's way, he sprinted back into the bedroom where Taylor was curled up on the bed crying into the sheets. Harry scooped her up in his arms so he was underneath her on the bed, holding her as tight to him as he could. He rested his chin on her head, cradling her.

"Ha..Harry what's happening?" She sniffled into his chest.

"Shhh it's okay, I'm here, the ambulance is coming, I'm not taking any chances"

He knew there was something majorly wrong here, but didn't want taylor to think the same. He reassured her, stroking his hand up and down her arm as she continued to cry into him. He then heard sirens.

"The ambulance is here, I'm gonna let them in" he placed taylor down on the bed and ran to the front door, he stood in the corridor as he heard the paramedics shuffling out of the lift


Taylor's eyes fluttered open, her vision was blurry. She made out that she was in a white room that was not her own. It was still dark outside, the clock on the wall reading 4:10am. Pulling the oxygen mask off her face she turned her head to see Harry sleeping on the chair in the corner of the room. She tried to speak but nothing was coming out.

"H..ha..Harry" he didn't stir. His head was propped up with his hand, his mouth slightly open. Taylor knew he was in a very deep sleep, but she needed him beside her right now.

"Harry" his eyes opened slowly. He looked at Taylor, and as soon as he realised she was awake, he pulled the chair over so it was next to her, and took her hand firmly between both of his.

"Heyy, you're awake" he said smiling slightly.

"What's going on? What happened to me?" She said, closing her eyes. Harry pressed his lips together, turning his head away from her. She turned to look at him.

"Harry? What's going on?" When he looked back at her, there was a tear forming in his eye. At the back of her mind, Taylor knew what he was about to say. She placed a protective hand over her bump that was still there.

"The baby...it...it's gone Taylor. They couldn't find a heart beat" She felt her face starting to become hot, a burning sensation developing in her ears.

"No, this can't happen, this cannot actually be happening right now.."

She tried to sit up, but the drips that were attached to her hands didn't allow her to.

"Taylor, wait.." Harry held her arm to stop her moving.

"Where's the doctor..?" She yelled. She continued to fidget, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Nurse!" Harry yelled. Struggling against Harry was useless. She flopped back into her pillow and began to sob uncontrollably. Harry stood up and placed himself on the bed next to her, holding her hand with his head against hers. As strong as he tried to be for Taylor's sake, he couldn't hold back the tears anymore. He let out a small whimper as the nurses came rushing into the room.

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