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11:00am, 10th August 2015 - Nashville

The sun beamed down over the city of Nashville, Tennessee. It was one of the hottest days of the year so far, and the people working on the new Diamond Hotel were feeling it. The beautiful building was in the middle of being built and was due to open in time for Christmas. Inside the building, deciding on different styles of wallpaper was Taylor.

"I think this one, the vintage pattern and colour go really well together, and I think it will work really well if we use this wall as a themed wall, you know put a picture up here" she pointed towards the wall that was behind the reception desk, her colleague stood next to her holding different wallpaper samples. "Yes I agree, I'll inform the builders" the young girl hurried away, leaving Taylor stood alone thinking of many more ideas for the decor of the hotel lobby. Since moving back to Nashville 2 years ago, Taylor had pursued her dream career in interior design, working for one of the highest ranking interior companies in America. Wearing a grey pencil skirt and floating white blouse, with her long curled hair falling neatly over one shoulder, Taylor looked very professional and more beautiful than ever. Her cheeks had their pink glow back, and her eyes shone a crystal blue. The main thing being, she felt like her old self again.

Taylor walked through the front door of her new 4 bedroomed home. She had only been living here a few weeks and was still in the process of unpacking. When she first moved back to Nashville she was renting a one bedroomed apartment downtown whilst she settled in her job and got enough money saved to get her own place. 2 years later, she had finally accomplished all she had ever wanted.

After changing into a pair of denim shorts and a checked shirt, she scraped her hair back and decided to get more unpacking done. The downstairs area was pretty much unpacked so she sat down on the bedroom floor next to a small stack of boxes that were still sealed with tape.

"Right so that's for the bathroom, that stuffs to go in the drawers..." She spoke to herself quietly, looking at what she had wrote in bold black marker pen on each of the boxes. Suddenly she paused. She came to a small box at the bottom of the pile, that was marked simply with 'Harry's". She immediately realised it was a small collection of his belongings she had found at the apartment in London when she was packing to leave, ages after Harry had collected the last of his things. She planned on leaving it with his friend Liam before she drove to the airport 2 years ago, but completely forgot and the removal guys must have taken it by mistake. A lump suddenly started to form in her throat as she found herself pulling off the tape that sealed the box. When she opened it, the first thing that she saw was the picture of her and Harry that she kept on her bedside table back in London. She managed a smile because the two people in the picture looked so happy. She placed it down gently and looked through the rest of the box. She found some CD's, magazines, a few necklaces he'd left behind, and at the bottom she pulled out a tie. It was one he wore for work all the time. It had fallen to the bottom of their wardrobe and been completely forgotten about. She stroked her thumb along it, feeling the material carefully, she then brought it up to her face. She inhaled Harry's faint scent off his tie, closing her eyes at the smell of his cologne. After 2 years his tie still smelt of him. She folded it neatly and placed it back in the box along with the picture. Folding up the box, she opened the wardrobe and slid it to the very back of the shelf that was at the top. With a sigh of relief she continued to unpack the rest of her things.

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