5. This Isnt You

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10:52am, 5th January 2013 - London

Harry sat at a bar, his head resting in his hands as he glanced down into the glass of whiskey below him. He'd been drinking for a few hours now, and he was beginning to feel it.

It was a quiet bar, only a handful of people gathered inside, mostly small groups of friends, apart from a middle aged man who appeared to be sleeping on the other end of the bar, a half empty pint glass next to his head. Harry ran his hand through his thick hair and threw back the last drop of whiskey he had in his glass. He slammed the it down on the bar, squinting at the bitterness of the drink. The bartender walked over to him, cleaning a glass. He shot Harry a concerned look, as he was now glancing around the room looking rather disorientated.

"Are you okay mate?" He asked Harry, placing the glass down.

"Yeah, fine thanks, I'll have another..." He raised his glass and handed it to the bartender. He propped himself up on his elbows and closed his eyes. He never pictured this was how his life would be. He thought back to the night he met Taylor and how madly in love he was as soon as he set his eyes upon her. Although they were both so young, having a baby with her, and settling down with her was something he wanted so badly, and now all that had disappeared.

The bartender placed the glass down in front of Harry. Slightly startled, he raised his head off the bar, trying his best to look him in the eye.

"Oh...errr...thanks" Harry said, rubbing his eye with the back off his hand. The bartender threw his towel over his shoulder and leant again the bar.

"Listen, pal, we close in a few minutes, maybe you should think about heading home after that one"

Harry tried to make eye contact with the man stood in front of him, but his eyes were looking everywhere but.

"Yeahh..don't worry...I'll leave soon" he slurred.

"Okay pal, just be careful ok"

Harry just nodded. He picked up the glass and took a sip, the strong liquid stinging his throat. Taylor's beautiful glowing face was burnt in his mind. Her rosy cheeks, her long golden hair. All the beautiful memories they'd shared over the years. He thought about their first proper date, their first kiss, the first time they made love, everything was as clear in his mind as if it'd only just happened. He then felt someone nudge the side of him. He turned slowly to see the man who had passed out opposite him was now sitting on the stool directly beside him.

"Tough night huh?" The man said is his husky voice. He smelt strongly of alcohol, no where near as well groomed as Harry. He wore an oversized grey blazer that was worn and tatty, with jeans what were torn at the knees. Harry just ignored him, shaking his head.

"Girl issues?" The man said, leaning in towards Harry smiling. Harry turned to the man, his eyes narrowed. The man continued to smile, making Harry's blood boil slightly.

"I don't want to talk about it" he said, throwing back the last bit of his drink. He then scraped the stool back and put on his jacket, throwing a £10 note over the bar for the bartender.

"Well good luck" the man said as Harry stumbled towards the exit. He ignored him, opening the door, the icey cold winter breeze blowing back the hair off his forehead. He pulled up the collar on his coat before taking his phone out his pocket. He dialled Taylor's number, staring at the phone before pressing the call button. She probably didn't want to speak to him, but he had to hear her voice. He rested his back against the brick wall he was walking past, putting the phone to his ear. It rang and rang but no answer. It eventually went to voicemail.

Hey, you've reached Taylor, sorry I can't answer right now, just leave a message...

Harry smiled at hearing her voice. That beautiful American accent he's grown to love. She sounded happy, obviously recorded during happier times. The beep then sounded.

"Taylor, baby...I love you, I love you so god damn much. I'm sorry about everything lately and if iv been acting like a dick, I really didn't mean to, I just...I just want to make you happy.."

A tear fell down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away, sniffling down the phone as he spoke.

"I'm coming home, I need you, I'm coming home ok?"

He hung up the phone and started to power walk towards his apartment.


12:05am, 6th January 2013 - London

Taylor was lying in the cold empty bed of her apartment. She couldnt fall asleep since Harry was not beside her. She was so used to him being there when ever she rolled over, or was having a bad dream, he would pull her in close to his chest, wrapping his arms around her and not letting go all night.
She turned so she was facing away from Harry's side of the bed. Every now and again, she would inhale his scent, really making her think if this was really the right thing to do. Suddenly, something hammered on the front door. She jumped, bolting up right in bed. She sat and listened. Just as she was about to lie back down, there was more angry knocking. She gasped, her breathing becoming heavy. She slowly swung her legs out of bed, and hesitantly walked into the hallway. They continued to hammer their fists on her front door. She eventually got to the door, and looked through the spy hole. Those curly brunette locks could only belong to one person. She opened the door, keeping the chain on.

"Taylor!!" Harry said loudly through the gap in the door.

"Harry, what are you doing, it's gone midnight" she whispered.

"Let me in? Please I need to speak to you" he continued to speak loudly. His arm raised, resting on the door.

"Shhhh stop shouting" she released the chain on the door and Harry came toppling in. He fell to the floor in front of her. She let out a quiet scream.

"Harry?" She knelt town, trying her best to pull him up. "Are you drunk?"

He stumbled back to his feet, Taylor gripping onto the sleeves on his coat. "Oh my god you are drunk" she mumbled. He did his best to look into her eyes.

"Taylor, I love you, I love you so much..."

She turned her head away from him, squinting at the smell of his intoxicating breath.

"Jesus Harry, why did you have to get yourself in this state huh?" She lead him over to the sofa, but he refused to sit down.

"Taylor did you hear me? I love you" he grabbed hold of her wrists and looked deeply into her eyes. His head was spinning, he was pretty sure he wasn't standing still. Taylor just sighed and looked down at the floor.

"I know you do Harry, and I love you too, but..."

"I just want to be with you, for the rest of my life, I want you to be the mother of my children, we can try for another baby, please, let's have a family, we can try again..."

Taylor shook her head. "No Harry, that's not the right thing to do right now. Listen, just go to sleep, iv had enough jfor one night" she pushed him gently so he fell back onto the sofa. As soon as his head rested against the cushion, his eyes started to get heavy. He couldn't control the tiredness that had suddenly hit him. "Just stay here tonight ok?" Harry just moaned as a response. She crossed her arms and looked down disapprovingly at him before taking herself back off to bed.

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