10. Kendall

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7:30pm, 10th August - London

Harry parked his Mercedes behind the restaurant he was going into. Before he got out the car he looked at himself in the rear view mirror, his green eyes piercing back at him. He took a deep breath then got out the car.

"Here he is"

When Harry entered the restaurant he was greeted by a middle aged woman with cropped dark hair, dressed immaculately in a black dress and heels. "Hey" he said as he was greeted by the woman who pulled him in for a hug. His eyes went immediately to the beautiful girl with long brunette hair wearing a white jumpsuit who was stood behind her, next to a middle aged man wearing a grey suit with a blue tie. She smiled at him with her red lips. He smiled back and wandered over to her, kissing her once they met. Harry put his arm around the girls waist and pulled her in so she was next to him. The woman flashed a massive grin at the pair of them.

"You two are just...you look amazing. Remember Kendall, Harry, this is the last time bridesmaids, best man, bride and groom will all be together before the wedding"

A few moments later, Liam arrived. Harry pulled him in for a manly hug upon his arrival. Followed by Liam, 3 of Kendall's closest friends arrived, who were the bridesmaids. Kendall's mother then spoke again.

"Oh Kendall dear iv invited your aunt Joan"

"Oh my god really" Kendall said, holding the side of her face with her hands.

"Yes! She flew in this afternoon, she's staying with us until the wedding"

Kendall hadn't seen her aunt Joan in about 3 years since she moved to L.A. A few moments later, a very glamorous looking lady, wearing a black fur coat and large amounts of jewellery appeared through the doors of the restaurant.

"Kendall darling" Kendall squealed and ran into the arms of her aunt who kissed her on both cheeks before linking her arm through Joan's.

"Aunt Joan this is my fiancé, Harry Styles"

Harry grinned at the lady before him.

"Oh deary come and show your old aunt Joan some love" she pulled him in for a hug, squeezing him tightly. When she released him she turned back to Kendall. "Let me see the ring"

Kendall held up her left hand proudly for her aunt, who was immediately blown away by the rings beauty. "Wow, that's some diamond Harry" she said as she held Kendall's hand close to her face so she could examine the ring closer. Harry smirked looking down at his feet.

Kendall's father was a close friend of Harry's boss, who also worked in close partnership with his company. Harry and Kendall were introduced at last years Christmas party, and a few months later Kendall's parents insisted they get engaged. Because of the Jenner family's wealth, the engagement and wedding was all happening in the same year, which for Harry was happening way to fast. Yes he loved Kendall, but it was a different kind of love that he'd ever shown. Everything she did, he couldn't help but compare to Taylor. Her lips weren't as soft as Taylor's, she wasn't as kind as loving as Taylor was when they first met.

After the meal, Harry and Kendall bid their farewells to everybody and headed back home. In the car, Kendall's hand gently stroked up his thigh as he drove, making him clench his jaw.

"So, what have you got planned for us when we get home?" She said seductively. Harry gripped onto the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as her hand got dangerously close to his crotch. When he sensed she was getting too close, he removed her hand.

"You'll just have to wait and see won't you" he said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Ooh I love surprises" she said biting her lip.


As soon as Harry locked the front door behind himself and Kendall, she pounced on him, kissing him ferociously. He frowned as her tongue begged for entrance. This is what he really disliked about Kendall, whenever they had sex, it was never passionate or romantic like it was with Taylor.

They went upstairs, and once they were in their bedroom, Kendall ripped off Harry's shirt popping all the buttons. Harry stood and watched as she stripped completely naked in front of him, before she pushed him back onto the bed.

"Let's get you nice and warmed up shall we?" She said as she kissed down his torso. She quickly unbuckled his trousers, pulling them down to his ankles. He threw his head back and she took him in her hand. "Ooooh Harry you're not very hard yet, let's work on that". He let out a few moans as she quickly pumped him with her hand, circling her tongue around his tip. Another thing was that he could get hard as soon as Taylor's lips touched his, it took a while to get hard under Kendall's touch.

Harry looked up at Kendall as she rode him. Her hands pressing against his chest as he held onto her hips. Small moans escaped his lips, but that was all, Kendall was repeatedly crying out his name, begging him to go harder and faster, but as she was on top, he couldn't do much about it.

After it was over, Kendall lay next to Harry as he stared at the ceiling, gently running her fingertips across his chest.
"You've been awfully quiet tonight" she whispered.
It was true, since Harry heard about Taylor being in America, he couldn't get her off his mind.

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