6. I Can't Do This

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8:10am, 6th January 2013 - London

Harry's eyes gently fluttered open, the light streaming in through the living room window almost blinding him. He covered his eyes with the back of his hand, moaning at the throbbing in his head. He pushed himself up on his elbows, the blanket that was on top of him falling to the floor. He looked around and sighed at the realisation of where he was. He was still wearing his shirt and trousers from work the day before along with the black boots he hadn't even taken off to sleep.

He swung his legs off the couch and sat on the edge, his elbows resting on his thighs with his head hanging. He shook it disapprovingly at the though of him stumbling back home drunk last night, and saying all the wrong things to Taylor. He'd made plans to stay at his friend Liam's house last night, and couldn't quite remember how he ended up back at home.

Standing up, he ran his hand through his incredibly messy hair. He stumbled into the kitchen to get a glass of water, his mouth felt like a beach it was that dry. Just as he gulped the water he heard a quiet voice from behind him.


He spun round quickly, wiping the water away that had dribbled down his chin. Taylor stood in the kitchen doorway, her arms crossed, studying the man stood before her with his shirt buttoned down and scruffily hanging out of his trouser waist band. He looked extremely exhausted, bags forming under his eyes.

"Hey" he mumbled back, his voice tired and croaky.

"Good night?" She asked narrowing her eyes slightly. It was obvious she wasn't at all pleased at the state he had turned up in last night.

"I'm sorry, I really am, I didn't know what else to do..." He knew nothing he could say would make her forgive him. He knew he should've just gone to Liam's like he was supposed to, then come back the next day feeling sorry for himself, apologising, with a bunch of flowers like a normal boyfriend would've done, but no, he had completely messed everything up.

"Just forget it...shouldn't you be at work?" She asked looking at the clock on the kitchen wall.

"No, the boss gave me the rest of the week off, yesterday was tough and he could tell so he said I could have more time off to...you know...recover"

Taylor looked down at the floor and sighed.

"Well you should take a shower and get changed, you look awful" she walked away, Harry slowly following her. She wasn't telling him to leave, she just told him to shower? His stomach fluttered at the possible change of heart taylor was having. He followed her into the bathroom where she was turning on the shower for him. He stood in the doorway, watching her fumbling around with all the shampoo bottles. As she quickly turned she almost barged into Harry's tall frame stood in the doorway, he didn't budge, he just loosely gripped onto her wrists with his large hands. Her looked down at the floor feeling awkward, before Harry tilted her head up with his finger so her eyes looked into his.

"I'm really sorry Tay, please can we talk about this..."

Taylor quickly loosened herself from Harry's grip and pushed past him.

"Harry, we've already talked about it..."

"Last night? That was hardly a talk"

"Harry iv told you how I feel, I think I just need space. The only way I think I can get over this is if I'm on my own, I can't forget about it with you around...you constantly remind me of it all..."

Harry looked down at the floor shaking his head. "Taylor you know you don't mean that, you know it..."

Taylor stood staring at him, her breathing slightly heavy. She was obviously getting herself all worked up. Harry noticed her eyes beginning to water. Whenever they spoke recently it always resulted in tears and he hated it. He made his way over to her, their faces inches apart.

"We love eachother Tay, and I don't think I'll be able to live without you, I want you in my life and only you. Just give me a chance. You shouldn't be on your own after what you've been through, what we've been through, and I don't think I could physically leave you alone..."

She looked into his eyes. "Harry you turned to drink. How am I supposed to trust you when you drink as a result of our issues..."

"That was because I had no idea what else to do after you told me to leave last night. I was walking down the street and I came across that bar. I was so down Tay..."

She looked away from him, shaking her head biting onto her bottom lip.

"For a second it made me feel better which is why I kept drinking, but I came home knowing it was wrong but I should've waited till this morning..."

"Harry I don't think..."

"No don't say anything, I'm not leaving you. I'm not leaving this apartment"

With that he turned and quickly hurried into the bathroom, pulling his shirt over his head before slamming the door behind him.

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