Chapter 40: End of the Beginning

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Dear Readers,

"If this is my first step on the long journey to success, I shall consider it a road worth taking."

The first book of The Charnock Beadon University of Technology series has reached its conclusion, and as the author, I feel a mix of humility and disbelief at having completed my debut book. The journey of writing this novel has been an awe-inspiring and nerve-wracking experience. I am beyond grateful for the overwhelming love, support, and invaluable friendships I have found within the Wattpad community.

As I immersed myself in the writing process, I sincerely hope that you, the readers, have enjoyed getting to know the intricate and multifaceted characters that I have unveiled in this book. It has been a joy for me to create their stories and explore their complexities, and I hope you have found them equally captivating.

But hold on, this is just the beginning. I have plans to continue this series, and I am excited to take you further into the lives of the students at The Charnock Beadon University of Technology. Together, we will navigate the challenging paths of love, friendship, and the treacherous journey into adulthood. No matter which couple you may root for, I urge you to stay engaged and follow their progress.

The battle of wits between Mr. Augustus Daniel and Mr. Jay Zacharia, which has already begun, will twist and turn in unexpected ways, keeping you on the edge of your seat. Ultimately, it will conclude in a magnificent climax that I promise will be worth the wait.

So, I extend a heartfelt invitation to all of you to join me once again for the next installment of this series. Please come back for the release of the upcoming book and indulge in the previous chapters while you wait. Allow yourself the chance to linger in this captivating world a little longer, for you might be surprised by which character grows on you in the upcoming books.

Thank you for your unwavering support thus far. I cannot wait to share more of this exciting journey with you all. Until then, happy reading!


Your Humble Author- Bluemountain27.

PS: As a parting gift, I unveil before you the poem that has inspired this book.'Wretched Love' is the heart-wrenching lament of a bitter lover, who has reluctantly broken up with his/her beloved due to gross mistreatment.

Wretched Love

You kept screaming I don't care,

I am too sensitive,

Too selfish to share.

Shattering my fragile self-esteem,

To the thunderous applause,

From the ones that scheme,

Their appreciation you sought.

Torn between desires and distress,

You left me on the edge of a precipice,

Yearning to jump yet afraid to fall,

Blades in the hands of a novice.

Bruised and bloodied,

Two gladiators at war,

Your colosseum my humble abode.

It wasn't me,

It wasn't you,

It was the glory in which you stood.

An unattainable goal,

Porcelain behind glass,

It was the impossible standards,

That you set for us.

Plunged into the dark,

By the aspersions that you cast,

The bonds that joined us,

Stretched at last.

Snapping like a twig,

Tearing us apart,

A befitting end to an unjust heart.

Undoubtedly, the poem is my original work. Kindly refrain from plagiarising it. It has only been published on this forum so kindly keep me posted if you come across it elsewhere.

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