Chapter 5: Deal

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No one was sure who was more surprised when Danish and his friends banged into Marisa and Monica on their way to the Debate club room. Judging by the comical way Marisa kept opening and closing her mouth, Danish judged that Rachel had not yet confided in her friends.

Finally, after a tense silence, Monica asked, "Debate club room?"

"No swimming club room," replied Milan sarcastically.

Marisa looked around confused. "But it is in the neighboring building."

"We are taking the shortcut. We will climb out of the window and jump across to the other building," continued Milan.

"Judging from the limited brain cells you have, I wouldn't be surprised," retorted Marisa.

Niam and Danish started laughing even as Milan scowled in annoyance.

"Now that your swimming club is suspended for this semester, why don't you join our Debate Team, Milan? We could win on your wit alone," commented Monica.

"And have my tongue sharpened to a blade-like yours. No thank you," said Milan with an exaggerated shudder.

Niam tried dragging Milan along."Come on man, we are wasting time here."

"What do you mean?" exclaimed Marisa. "Talking to us is a waste of time?"

"I didn't mean that," stuttered Niam even as Milan quipped, "You said it, not us."

Danish opened his mouth to soothe the now bombastic Marisa when a rude voice cut through the tension.

"Every time you meet must you all behave like imbeciles. Admissions to the drama club is still open but if you are interested in passing this semester, follow me in."

The five turned to find themselves ensnared in the coldest gaze they could fathom. If looks could kill, they would already be dead and buried.

Rachel turned around and returned to the debate room. Perching herself on the lone desk at the head of the room, she gestured for the others to seat themselves on the numerous rows of chairs laid before her.

She sat there lost in thought, tossing her phone and catching it like a frisbee. Danish could see her actions were giving as much anxiety to others as it was to him. After all, she owned the latest iPhone costing upwards of 45000 Baht. She was dangerous, he acknowledged. Toying with her was like playing with fire. He wasn't very sure now if his plan to teach her lesson had been a good one. What if he and his friends ended up with third-degree burns instead?

"Rache," called out Monica. "What happened?"

Rachel looked around as though she was surprised to see them there. Then pulling herself in she nodded at Monica.

"Danish, Niam, and Milan," she began. "You want my assistance in completing your pending assignments and lab work. Right? You also want me to tutor you for the remaining semester. All in return for one lousy assignment on ethics. The deal doesn't seem very fair, does it? What is in it for me?"

"Why? Wouldn't you fail in ethics this term?" asked Milan perplexed.

Unconcerned, Rachel shrugged. "But the semester exams are still pending. Once I get a perfect score, it shall pull up my overall grade."

Niam opened and closed his mouth in surprise.

"Then what do you want in return?" asked Danish in a husky voice. None of them questioned Rachel's ability to score a perfect 100. She was the university topper for a reason.

"The three of you shall be our assignment and lab partners for the rest of the semester," stated Rachel firmly.

"What?" squealed Marisa in surprise.

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