Chapter 3: Fear

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"It's going to be fine. We will reach safety soon. These guys are the best. The others wouldn't find us," placated Ryan's aged uncle, gently squeezing his hand.

Crouched as he was with his accomplices in the back of the speeding minivan with darkened windows, twenty-five-year-old Ryan still had his doubts. A hardened criminal like him knew escape couldn't be easy, not from the most powerful mafia of Thailand, Venom. Wanted as they were by the Royal Thai police, they couldn't have just waltzed through any of Thailand's 38 airports. Still, when a mercenary named Steven had shown up with the most daring escape plan, he had no choice but to agree.

So here he was speeding through the dead of the night as Steven drove them to the border adjoining Laos, arrangements had been made to cross the Mekong River in a small dingy with a handful of border patrol guards paid to look the other way. At least that was what Steven had led them to believe, though the small fortune that he was paying for this daring getaway was incentive enough in his opinion. Still, he prayed as he never had in his twenty-five years. He prayed that they wouldn't be stopped at any moment by the police, prayed that they were not being tailed by the Venom assassins.

Suddenly the speeding minivan screeched to a halt and the door was abruptly pulled open. Ryan and his men blinked as they were rudely hurled out and found themselves standing on the desolate bank of a river bed. Ryan looked around confused. Had they reached the border this quickly? Was this the Mekong River? Where was their dingy? When Ryan heard the gunshot, his blood ran cold. He turned around to see his uncle lying dead on the ground, shot between his eyes whilst Steven held the gun that was aimed at another man beside him. Ryan backed away from Steven's cold-blooded gaze, he now knew with certainty that Steven was no mercenary... he was Venom's best assassin. They had been trapped and his only hope was to get in the water. As he scrambled towards the river, a loud gunshot rang out and his body fell into the river, soon drowning from sight.

Steven bent down and searched the pant pockets of Ryan's uncle, taking out the well-wrapped package, he pocketed it before roughly pulling off the signet ring from the old man's right hand. Whipping out his phone, he clicked a few snaps and sent them to his boss as evidence. Viper as this old man's gang had been named was finished. Grunting, he pulled the body to the river and dumped it unceremoniously. After getting rid of the other bodies, he got into the minivan and drove off into the night.


When a house in an affluent neighborhood in Bangkok was stormed by armed men in broad daylight, the Thai police chose to look the other way. After all, was it not owned by the former head of the Viper gang?

A woman could be seen sprinting from the front door with a small baby clutched in her arms, a young maid following close behind. Glancing left briefly, the distressed woman headed right, hiding between the bushes covering the front lawn of her neighbors.

"Mistress run faster," encouraged the loyal maid as she anxiously glanced back. It was late at night when they stopped, their arm bleeding from numerous thorns. Tired, hungry, and disoriented they had no idea how far they had run barefoot.

"Miss, they will be coming for us now," warned the maid. "We must find a place to spend the night."

The exhausted woman nodded clutching her baby to her chest, swallowing convulsively she looked around for a place to hide. Just then they heard the screeching tires of a car. The distressed women were quick to hide behind a row of tall hedges, but not before they had been spotted. The smothered pop of silenced guns barely woke up the house owners as two women and a child were brutally shot dead in their front yard. Successive pops took care of the security cameras in the area. The dead bodies were loaded in the car unceremoniously and the car speeded away from the crime scene.


Augustus Daniel leaned back with satisfaction taking a puff of his expensive cigar. His coldly handsome face set in a cruel smile as he stared at his iPad.

"Sir," said Davis, "Those are the pictures sent by Mr Mew of Venom. Viper is over. They no longer pose a threat. The evidence has been recovered and destroyed after verification." Personal secretary to the powerful man before him, he didn't dare flinch when Mr Daniel blew smoke in his face.

"Well done. I always knew it was a good deal to partner with Venom. With them by my side, no corruption charges can ever stick on me. No doubt, I shall be re-elected as the district representative," stated Mr Daniel with a smirk.

Taylor nodded in agreement, "Yes Sir, with the key witnesses dead and the evidence destroyed, the opposition party- the Democratic Front cannot continue campaigning for your disqualification, no matter how much money Jay Zacharia donates to their party fund."

Mr Daniel nodded at his campaign manager as he handed over the iPad. Taylor was quick to permanently delete the photos.

"Are you sure all the loose ends have been dealt with?" asked Mr Daniel.

"Yes Sir. All evidence related to money laundering in the construction of the new government hospital has been destroyed. The Viper gang that was blackmailing us has been finished off," replied Taylor.

"What about that Ryan's family? There must be no survivors to haunt us later," glared Mr Daniel.

"Sir, Ryan's wife and child have been taken care of. Still, I shall pass along the message to Mr Mew to ensure no blood relatives are left behind," agreed Taylor docilely.

Mr Daniel sat back again and handed off his cigar to Davis. "How are your daughters liking their new apartments in Thailand's poshest apartment tower- the Vivera Tower?"

Both men stiffened at the mention of their daughters.

Taylor bowed respectfully. "Pretty well, Sir. It is more than generous of you to gift our daughters such expensive apartments but they could have continued staying in the university dorm."

Davis gulped. "Sir, he means how can we ever hope to pay back your generosity"

Mr Daniel laughed, "There is no need, as if both of you could afford to. That is your share of the government hospital deal. All your daughters have to do is accompany my daughter and keep her away from the grisly end of my business."

The phone in Davis's hand buzzed. Davis read the message briefly before looking at his boss. "Miss Rachel is here for dinner."

"Have the arrangements been made for the campaign events?" questioned Mr Daniel.

"Yes Sir, this is the schedule". Taylor attempted to hand over the iPad again to Mr Daniel but he waved it away and gestured to Davis.

"Have Davis send it to Rachel. I shall inform her tonight. Is there anything else to discuss?"

"No Sir". Both bowed their heads.

Mr Daniel got up from his chair. "Very well then, I shall proceed for dinner. Both of you are dismissed."

When the door closed behind Mr Daniel's back, they let out a relieved sigh.

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