Chapter 10: Open House

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Sarah stood before the faculty of her dreams, the Faculty of Electronics Engineering, and pinched herself in excitement. It was Open House Day at Charnock Beadon University of Technology and Sarah Zacharia was here to hand in her application form. This had been her dream, to follow in her brother's footsteps. Petite and cute, several heads turned in her direction as she spritely ran up the steps and stopped short. Where was the office again? She wondered, fishing out her phone from her jeans pocket.

"Hia I am here, where is the faculty office?"

Somebody abruptly bumped into her and a hurricane of papers cascaded around her. She looked up at the tall and skinny girl frowning at her.

"I am so sorry!" she exclaimed as she hastened to pick up the papers for the other girl. After chasing down all the pages, she handed them over to the girl who was rudely staring at her.

"Sawasdee ka," muttered Sarah, "Those are all the papers, I think. My name is Sarah and I am here for the Open House."

"Sawasdee ka," replied the other. "My name is Gia. Next time watch where you are going."

Sarah turned red with embarrassment but did not point out that it was indeed Gia who had banged into her and not vice versa.

Sarah smiled apologetically. "Sorry P'.Could you point out the faculty office to me?"

"Take the first right from the staircase and then turn left," replied Gia brusquely before stalking off.

Sarah nodded to herself and turned right from the staircase but after she turned left, she was met with the door of the male washroom. Had P' Gia purposely led her wrong?

"Hi beautiful, what are you doing here? Are you lost?" asked a group of leering boys that had just exited the washroom. Sarah quickly backtracked even as the boys pursued her, catcalling. Tears sprang in her innocent eyes. She never expected to be harassed her first time here. Busy glancing back at her pursuers, Sarah ran into a solid body.

She looked up to find a tall girl with the sternest expression she had ever seen. The newcomer swiftly pushed her behind herself and stood protectively before her just as the jeering boys came into view.

The freshmen chasing after Sarah stopped short, met with the frightening visage of the strictest Student Council member.

Rachel took out her phone and took a snap of the boys cowering before her and sent it to Lily.

"Freshmen, right?" she drawled. The boys shook their heads in agreement.

"How dare you harass a girl? How dare you soil the reputation of this university? I will be reporting you to the Student Council. You are hereby suspended till further notice. Leave now, before I get your parents to escort you from the campus."

The four boys ran away in fright not even daring to put up an argument for Rachel had earned herself a nasty reputation amongst the freshmen. Rachel then turned to the girl shivering behind her.

"Hi? Are you okay?" she asked concerned.

Sarah shook her head in agreement though her teeth chattered. Rachel sighed and pulled her in for a hug, tucking her petite form under her chin, she silently stroked the frightened girl's head. When the spasms that wrecked her tiny body subdued, Rachel let her go.

"My name is Rachel. I am a sophomore here. Are you new? Have you come for the Open House?"

Sarah hiccupped, "Yes, my name is Sarah. I was looking for the faculty office but P' Gia directed me wrong."

Rachel frowned. Were the humours true, did their class president Gia have a hidden dark side?

"She must have made a mistake. Never mind, I shall escort you myself," replied Rachel kindly.

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