Chapter 18: Expectations

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"I can't believe I missed this place," stated Rachel as she entered the busy elevator lobby of Vivera Tower, crowded with people taking off for a night of clubbing. Monica and Marisa chuckled as they stepped aside, allowing people in the elevator to disembark before getting in. When Marisa pressed 32 on the elevator panel, Rachel eyed her questioningly.

"Aren't you guys getting off at 12?"

"We have orders from Mrs Suppasit to tuck you into bed," replied Monica with a faint smile.

"Don't worry we couldn't mess up your apartment. Not when we were the ones that cleaned it yesterday," smirked Marisa.

Monica nudged Marisa, "You didn't need to tell her that."

"Why? Do you know the last time I cleaned my place?" shrugged Marisa. "Monks here even did the laundry and got fresh groceries."

Touched by the gesture of her two friends, Rachel smiled. "You shouldn't have."

"It's no big deal. When you are feeling better, you are welcome to clean out my apartment." Marisa winked mischievously.

"Never." Rachel couldn't quite suppress a shudder.

The three burst out laughing.

With the keycard in hand, Rachel stopped short before her apartment door. A massive bouquet of white lilies was propped against her door.

"Bet, that is from Danish," quipped Marisa. "Have you seen the way he looks at our Rache?"

"Yeah. That is something I need to clarify," agreed Monica with narrowed eyes.

Rachel lifted out the note attached to the flowers. "I have no idea, what both of you are talking about."

"So, who is it from? Danish, right?" asked Marisa impatiently.

"Nope, Danish's father," replied Rachel busy reading.

"Huh!", Marisa blinked.

Rachel folded the note and put it back. She unlocked the door and hefted up the bouquet. "He thanked me for helping Sarah."

"Aren't you going to throw it away?" asked Monica surprised. "You hate flowers, right?"

Rachel put down the massive flower arrangement on the dining table. Absentmindedly she fingered the petals."They are my mom's favorite flowers."

Monica and Marisa shared a look. They rarely ever spoke about their late mothers; it was their cardinal rule.

"Today, I will be your chef. What would you like to eat from Chef Marisa's kitchen?" proclaimed Marisa playfully as she took off her shoes and dropped her bag on the floor.

"Chef's special," replied Rachel jolting out of her reverie.

Marisa strode off to the kitchen whilst Rachel went around inspecting her apartment. She pushed a book into alignment on her bookshelf and rearranged the pens on her study table before straightening the cushions. Monica fondly watched Rachel fuss around before joining her on the couch.

"I didn't have the time to measure out the alignment of the things on your study table," said Monica apologetically.

Rachel laughed, "Good. It means you don't suffer from OCD".

"Rache, what about Danish? You know your dad won't approve," warned Monica tentatively.

Rachel looked away, "I know Monks. I can't afford to get into a relationship till I have control over my life."

Monica cleared her throat, "So what are you wearing for the Fresher's Welcome party?"

Rachel shrugged, "Any one of the dozen gowns that were prepared for the campaign events. You and Mars can take any gown you like or would you prefer to go shopping?"

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