Chapter 35: Reaction

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Dressed in his rattiest T-shirt and shorts, Night lounged on his childhood bed, scrolling through his social media accounts. Both his Instagram and Facebook posts were flooded with hateful comments and threats. Frustrated, he kicked aside his favorite soft toy. He had been unfairly suspended and his scholarship revoked without being allowed to defend himself. Heck, security guards had forcibly escorted him off the campus.

Night ran a hand through his messy hair. His parents had died in a car accident when he was a mere toddler, leaving him in the care of his aunt, Sabrina Jirochtikul. She barely earned a decent wage as a mere receptionist in a five-star hotel, allowing them to live comfortably for the moment. Even if he was not rusticated, there was no way they could afford the exorbitant university fees. Besides, should news of this disgraceful scandal reach the ears of her employers, she would be sacked in a heartbeat.

The trilling of his phone jerked him out of his thoughts. Seeing an unknown number, he accepted the incoming call after much debate.
"Hello," he said, his voice hoarse.

"Hi, sweetheart," replied Flora. "Crying already?"

"How did you get my number?" He stuttered in shock.

"Sweetheart I get anything I want," she smirked triumphantly. "Haven't you learned that as yet?"

He swore profusely. "Stay away from me. Haven't you done enough?"

"I barely got started, darling. Your worst nightmares are about to come true. My father plans to file a police complaint against you."

Night's eyes widened in horror. He clutched the phone harder. "Please, my life will be ruined."

"Everything has a price," she chuckled.

"P' I have nothing to give you. I have no money to offer!" he pleaded helplessly.

"Become my boyfriend. I shall tell everyone that it was a lover's spat." Flora smiled victoriously. What other option did this idiot have?

"Never," he declared enraged.

"Fine. Then be prepared to go to jail." The line went dead.

Horrified, Night stared at his phone before flinging it across the room. Turning on his side, he sobbed into his pillows.

The commotion had probably alerted his aunt for she rushed into his room. Saddened to find her beloved nephew in tears, she pulled him into her embrace. Gently, she stroked his hair as she consoled him. "Night, I know you are not at fault. It is just a misunderstanding that will be cleared in no time. Don't worry, we have a meeting with the University President on Monday. I shall sort out everything with him."

Forewarned by P' Flora, Night cried harder into his aunt's lap.


When Night entered Professor Gabriel's office, he was surprised to find a distinguished old man and Mr Jay Zacharia present.

"Sawasdee ka," greeted Night's aunt as she respectfully wai'ed.

Professor Gabriel greeted her with a warm smile. "Please have a seat, Ms Sabrina Jirochtikul. We apologize for forcing you to take a day off for this meeting. This is Mr. Jay Zacharia, our trustee, and Mr Jittaputta, our attorney."

Hearing the word attorney, Sabrina paled considerably. "I had no idea that lawyers were also involved. Isn't it a simple misunderstanding?"

Mr Jittaputta shook his head at her naivety. "Ms. Jirochtikul, are you the only guardian of Mr Night Jirochtikul?"

Sabrina clasped Night's hand tightly. "Yes, I am. I am Night's only family."

"Then it is with great regret, I must inform you that nothing about this matter is simple. Allegations of molestation have been made against your ward and there is ample evidence to prove these charges. Night could very well end up in jail."

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