Chapter 12: Consequences

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"Eat more, son" coaxed Salena as she placed more wontons on his plate. "These are your favorite."

Danish groaned, "Mom I can't eat anymore."

Sarah giggled, "Mom, he's not a pig, though he might resemble one".

"Don't call your brother a pig," admonished Salena.

Jay laughed at his children's antics as Danish made a face at Sarah. "Don't make your mother angry or I might be banished to the couch tonight."

Salena choked on the water she had been drinking. "How can you say such things before our children?"

Jay shrugged, "They are not children anymore. Danish should have found a girlfriend by now. Next year Sarah will be joining University. Then she will be coming home with a boyfriend."

Sarah burst out giggling, "Hia will have a girlfriend. Impossible. Which girl will put up with him?"

"Enough Sarah, or I will dunk your face in the soup," warned Danish.

"Enough children. Behave," huffed Salena. "But Danish, I too would love to meet your girlfriend."

Danish blushed a deep shade of red as a certain pair of stern eyes haunted him.

"Rachel is a very talented girl," remarked Jay without looking up.

This time Danish choked on his meal, thumping his chest he drank a full glass of water before looking at his father.

"She handled the inquiry so well. The evidence she presented was enough to indict those bullies. It's amazing that she went head-to-head against the Techaapaikhuns and came out successful in the end," continued Jay.

"She outsmarted the mafia Techaapaikhun? All on her own? Her parents didn't stop her? They must be so brave," commented Salena.

Danish winced at the underlying criticism of Rachel.

Sarah looked askance. "Are you talking about P' Rachel? The university topper and debate club captain?"

"Yes," replied Jay with a nod. "She is Danish's partner."

"Lab and assignment partner," corrected Danish.

Salena passed the salad to Sarah. "Better you stay away from her, Danish. She seems far too nosy for her good."

"Mom, she is a Student Council member. It's her duty," protested Danish.

"See, nosy." Salena waved her fork as though she had proved a point.

"Stop Mom," yelled Sarah angrily and began to sob hysterically.

Salena quickly embraced her daughter, murmuring soothing words as Sarah held on and cried her heart out. Jay and Danish hovered over them protectively, concerned to see a lively Sarah in tears.

After a while, when she had calmed down and had a glass of water. Salena held onto her face lovingly. "What happened Sarah? You can tell us anything."

Sarah hiccupped, her eyes swollen, her nose red, and her face paled considerably.

"You should be glad P' Rachel is nosy. On Open House day, I was looking for the faculty office, a senior misled me to the male washroom. A group of boys began to harass me and chase after me. P' Rachel came in between and scared those boys away. She then escorted me to the faculty office herself."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I shall hunt those boys down and teach them a lesson!" thundered Danish.

"P' Rachel notified the Student Council and got them suspended for the rest of the semester."

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