Chapter 1: Explosion

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"Impossible!" exclaimed Rachel, her chocolate brown eyes wide. "This can't be true". Frustrated, she ran a hand through her brunette tresses.

Professor Peacock studied his indignant student through his gold-rimmed glasses. Rachel Daniel, daughter of Thailand's renowned politician and the current District Representative Augustus Daniel was the youngest student council member, university debate team captain, and a model student. Extremely hardworking, she always excelled in all her assignments. The present situation was truly exceptional, he acknowledged.

"Since you have not handed in the 'Ethics in the workplace' assignment on time, I am afraid you won't be graded this term" he replied sternly.

"Professor, my GPA will fall," objected Rachel hotly. "I have never failed to hand in an assignment before. I was on medical leave; my left hand was fractured. Kindly consider your decision again."

"You are a sophomore, you cannot expect leniency," admonished Professor Peacock. "Besides you were able to attend your extravagant birthday bash. Why couldn't you hand in an assignment? Your entire class has handed in their assignment."

Rachel groaned, with the elections drawing close, the elaborate birthday party had been thrown by her father to mingle with influential people and cement his image of a benevolent man. She had spent a better part of the evening, resting in a corner, woozy from all the pain medications. Not that her father had noticed or cared.

"Please Sir, kindly reconsider" she pleaded.

Professor Peacock pursed his lips. "There might be a way. The swimming team has just returned from a national competition. According to the university rules, they will be allowed a 14-day grace period to hand in all the assignments. If you could get one of them to partner with you, I will clear it with the University President, Professor Patrick Gabriel."

"Yes, Professor. I shall approach the swimming team after school" promised Rachel, relieved.

Professor Peacock nodded his head in approval. "Good. You better hand in an excellent assignment. Now off you go, I have a class to teach."

With a grateful smile, Rachel vacated her seat and headed for the staffroom door.


The second lunch hour was usually more crowded than the first at Charnock Beadon University of Technology since most athletes took their break then. Still, a raven-haired girl immersed in a book and a flirtatious brunette had managed to snag a table to themselves.

"Say, where is Rache? I am so hungry. Like I am seriously going to die now" muttered Marisa Davis, glancing around.

Monica Taylor, the raven-haired beauty turned a page, not bothering to look up at her over-dramatic friend. "Go ahead, bring your meal. You don't have to wait."

Marisa rolled her expressive eye. "Jeez woman, don't get annoyed."

"What are you? The mafia or something? Occupying the whole table. Where is your Ice Queen? Not yet time for her to arrive?" smirked Hans, the renowned university bully and star basketball player.

"Honey, let the maids be" purred Ela sliding her arms around Hans's waist.

Stoked, Marisa was about to give a smashing reply when she was beaten to the punch by her unassuming friend. Monica meticulously placed a bookmark in her book before keeping it aside. "Seems your basketball practice hasn't gone well today, Hans. Your poor form is causing the basketball team to lose all its matches. Your girlfriend is right, spend more time on your game instead of bothering us. Ela, the maids aren't interested in the trash, take your boyfriend with you."

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